Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: a dad?
Astrid pov

The nerves kicked in when I saw a large black limo pull up in the driveway of Hiccup's home. My blood was rushing and my heart was pumping I was scared to meet Hiccups father I mean what if he didn't like me? Does he even know I'm staying here? Does he know why I'm staying here?

But all my questions where pushed to the back of my mind when I saw a large man with red hair step out of the limo. Hiccup ran up to his father giving a big hug while I stood their slightly scared. Would he beat me up as well?

I slowly approached the man when hiccup pulled away from the hug. Hiccup smiled at me before realising we both didn't know each other.

"Oh dad this is Astrid she's staying with us," Hiccup gently placed his arm around my waist making my cheeks turn a bright red from the small contact.

"Hello Astrid I'm Stoick," He reaches his hand out and I flinched away expecting him to hit me. After a few seconds I realised he wasn't going to hit me and looked up at Hiccups father. I placed my hand in his giving him a firm hand shake.

Hiccup smiled at the both of us before we all started walking inside and hiccup helping his dad with the bags. Once we where inside I decided to make us all some tea. As I started boiling the water I heard my name being said in a conversation. My curiosity got the best of me and I picked my head around the corner or the kitchen to see Hiccup and Stoick talking.

"Dad she was kicked out of her home and her father wasn't very nice so I offered her a home here I just couldn't stand seeing he so depressed," My eyes widened I couldn't believe he told his dad I know his father deserves an explanation why I'm here but he didn't have to add in about my father just say I was kicked out or something.

"Son that's awful no one deserves to go though that, make sure she's happy son," Stoick patted hiccup on his back before turning around. At that I quickly went back to making the tea not wanting to be seen evesdropping on their conversation.

"So Astrid do you go to the same school as Hiccup?"

"Yes sir,"

"Are you same year level?"

"Yes sir,"

"Are you and Hiccups dating?"

"Ye-no I don't know sir," I nervously played with my fingers as I poured the tea for Stoick and Hiccup.

"Astrid you don't have to call me sir you can call me Stoick or dad," Stoick smiled up at me making me feel more comfortable that Stoick wouldn't hurt me.

"Yes sir uh dad," just saying those words made me feel so happy and safe I didn't know this man too well but I know he would not hurt me and it felt like a dad I never had. Hiccup and Stoick both smiled when I said that making me feel even happier.

Now all three of us where seated on the couch watching a random show we found on one of the Chanel's. Hiccup had offered me some chips but I declined not wanting Stoick to think I eat a lot. Hiccup just let out a sigh telling me we will talk about this later.

"I just need to run to the bathroom I'll be back in a second," Hiccup stood up and made his way out of sight. I tugged at my sleeves nervously not wanting to stuff this up even if all we where doing was sitting watching some tv.

I reached forward picking up my tea taking a sip. What I didn't notice was my sleeve had fallen down and Stoick was able to see the many red cuts the layer my arm. I placed my cup on the bench not just realising my sleeve. My eyes widened as I quickly shoved it down looking over at Stoick I saw him looking at me looking completely shocked.

Quickly I stood up not wanting to answer any questions he may have for me. "I'm going to uh, go to bed goodnight," I quickly stood up walking past Hiccup who gave me a confused look. I just looked down at the ground not wanting to talk to anyone right now.

As I made my way in my room I angrily tugged at my hair. How could I be so dumb not to put some bracelets over my cuts. Now my almost boyfriends dads seen my cuts and probably is disgusted by me. He probably thinks what a freak is living in their house. Tears where streaming down my face as I felt the normal itch at my wrists. There are aching to be cut.

"Hiccup," a loud sob tore through my body as I desperately tried not to scratch at my wrists. I needed Hiccup here. After a few second the door is flung open and in comes Hiccup and Stoick tailing not far behind him.

"Astrid," Hiccup pulled me into his arms as I sobbed into his chest.

"I'm so sorry I just- your dad saw them, he's going to hate me," I kept my head on Hiccups chest. I had messed everything up why couldn't I be normal for once.

"Astrid I don't hate you not at all, self harm is a serious issue and me and Hiccup can help you get through it. I mean I don't know what I would do if Hiccup self harmed and it's no different for you Astrid," Stoick smiled at me while I nervously looked at him giving him a small smile.

But my smile dropped when I realised he didn't know Hiccup self harmed I looked up at Hiccup to see him nervously looking at me. But my heart dropped when he just nodded not telling his dad. But it was Hiccups decision not mine.

Help me I'm so tried

- asty xoxo

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