Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: now there's 2 of us

-Tuesday lunch-

Hiccup POV

"H-hiccup my father killed your mother"

My heart stopped beating, I was shocked beyond my limits. My mother is dead from my friends father. I was disgusted with Astrid I can't talk to her she's related to him. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. My mother is dead, this is the proof my mother truly is dead.

I looked up at Astrid with complete betrayal deep down I knew this was not her fault but it was in the moment and blamed it on her. "Hic-" I cut her off quickly completely fired with anger I could feel my finger nails digging into the palms of my hand as my hands balled into fists.

"Are you fucking serious? My mother is dead because if your dumbass father that can't fucking be normal?" I yelled completely losing it, I saw Astrid frown slightly but I ignored it I know that that isn't the right choice but I didn't know what to do I was so angry.

"It's your fathers fault my mother is not here to share another day with me. Are you serious" I angrily threw my hands up in the air, I knew I should stop by the way Astrid's eyes watered but I couldn't I was so furious.

"Fucking hell Astrid what don't you fuck up" I yelled before walking away ignoring her pleads to come back and she's sorry. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt the tears running down my face. I was such I fuck up my mums dead and now I've yelled at a suicidal girl telling her she's a fuck up.

I kept on walking I needed to go home I couldn't face school feeling like this. I felt like complete shit I felt like a mess. "Ugh fuck" I yelled at the top of my lungs once I made it home. I was met with silence one that made me feel worse that it should of.

The silence showed that my mum really was dead and my dad didn't care, my dad was gone I needed him but he's no here to help me. The tears never stopped as I made my way into the bathroom I needed to have a shower and think about this a bit more.

I turned on the steaming water and stripped down ready to just forget the past hour for at least a few minutes. I opened up the shower door and was met with steaming hot water, I sighed in relief this is just what I needed.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the tiled wall. I was so overwhelmed by everything I thought a shower would fix it but I was wrong, it just made me think about everything too much.

I opened my eyes trying to clear my head I didn't know what to do everything was a mess and I just wanted to feel better. I looked over to my razor.

I knew I shouldn't

But I needed to

The tears came back as I kept looking at the razor I would be a hypocrite telling Astrid cutting is bad and doesn't solve anything if I cut.

I hoped my dad would walk through the door and stop me or someone would be here, but I was just met with silence and an empty house. I couldn't the urge was so strong I needed a cut, just one cut I told myself.

I slowly picked up the razor as I turned it around in my hands, there was 3 blades that sat in the contraption. Letting out a breath I lowered myself to the floor, sitting cross legged I banged the razor on the floor causing the two sides to fall off and I was just left with the three blades.

With shaky fingers I pulled out one of the blades and looked at my clean wrist, not one cut laid on the skin and I was about to ruin that. I slowly pressed the blade onto my wrist slowly sliding across. I hissed lightly at the pain but it didn't hurt as much as I thought, it kinda went numb.

I let out a sigh of relief I felt a lot better, A few seconds later the numbness faded away and I needed that feeling of a release once again. I did the motion once more it was relieved once again the numbness helped me forget home and how much I actually needed and missed my mum. I looked down seeing blood all over my wrist but only 2 cuts and I needed more.

7 more slices later I finally felt happy. Letting out a sigh of relief I stood back up and washed the cuts under the running water of the shower, they where puffy and red lining my upper wrist.

Turning off the shower I get the 3 blades and put them in a draw just so I know where they are. I wrapped the towel around my lower body I really needed to talk to Astrid about this is didn't mean anything I said and I was just pissed and I needed to sort this out before she's did something to herself.

I picked up my phone dialling her number 2 rings later Astrid was on the other line. "Astrid" I breathed out the guilt finally set in hearing her quiet breathing. "H-hiccup I'm so sorry my father did that"

"No Astrid I lashed out I didn't mean any of that, your not a fuck up your so perfect and I'm so happy in your friend, Astrid promise me you won't do anything to yourself" I spoke calmly while sitting down on the bed examining my now-torn-up wrists.

"I promise I was about to but I stopped and though of you, just thinking about you makes me feel better" she spoke quietly. I couldn't ignore the blush that coated my cheeks.

I turned my head to see my reflection and I saw exactly what I was expecting a fiery red face. It was amazing how much effect this girl had on me. "That's so good Astrid I'm so proud" I practically smiled through the phone she wasn't hurting herself.

But I was

"Thankyou, I better get going my dads coming home" Astrid mumbled the last part as I heard some shuffling and a loud voice calling her. "Yes of course if you need me just call" I reassured her.

"Of course, bye" her sweet voice said but before I could bid her goodbye back I heard 3 beeps signalling that she hung up. Letting out a long sigh. I rubbed my hands over my face I was nervous now I don't know what happened but,

I think I have feelings for Astrid


Sorry for doing that to hiccup, it was planned all along :/

Well um yeh story bout to get interesting

I'm getting less views I doing something wrong?

Oh well..

Love you all xx

-Asty xoxo

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