Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: my house is your house
Astrid POV
Saturday morning

"Move in with me"

My eyes widen and my mouth dropped, he had to kidding. He wouldn't want to deal with me with how much of a nuisance I am and how annoying I am. "no, you can't be serious" I shook my head backing away slightly. "nope I'm dead serious," Hiccup smiled, but soon frowned when he saw my face.

"No, you'll get annoyed of me," I worried, I knew Hiccup was going to eventually get annoyed of me and want me gone. "Astrid, if your homeless I want you to move in with me, I'll never get annoyed of you, I promise." He smiled at me, where as I just looked down.

"I'll be too much of a hassle, Hiccup I'm fine where I live," I tried to reason with him putting my hands up as if surrendering. He just let out a sigh annoyed at me constantly arguing but he couldn't blame me I was just worried that I would be too much work.

"Astrid your out in the streets at night, who knows what could happen." He stated, I knew he was going to win this argument no matter what I said. I let out a huff kind of annoyed with this whole convocation. "fine," I accepted defeat as I watched Hiccup let out a cheer.

I laughed to myself but smiled because I was happy to be spending time with him in his house alone just us two, and that a lone made me so happy.


"thankyou again," I smiled up at Hiccup as he placed my empty bag under the bed. "Astrid, it is no problem at all." He placed a hand onto my shoulder before pulling me in for a hug. My heart fluttered as I warpped my arms around him. He smelt like fresh trees and mint, I sighed at the sent I had recently gotten used to.

"Astrid remember I'm right across from you so if you need anything, and I mean absolutely anything remember I'm here for you. I don't mind if you wake me up I'm here for you. I care about you," My eyes widened at his slight speech and smiled curled upwards at his thoughtful words that meant the world to me.

I nodded my head before he walked out of my room and shut my door. I let out a sigh I had been kicked out of my home by my abusive father, to homeless on the streets to living with my best friend.

It had been a complete world wind of emotions going on inside my head and I didn't know how to deal with it. Having chucked out my blade I was lost not knowing what to do when I'm sad. I was annoyed at myself but I knew if it was really bad I could find something around the house.

But what also had made me question a lot is that hiccup cut, it was his first time and hopefully his last. The actual pained me to see those scabs on his wrist, I felt so useless not able to do anything just watch as he slowly beats himself up.

But I was happy he hadn't cut since then. I couldn't help but feel guilty that he had caught the idea from me and I knew that no matter what I would secretly blame myself for that forever. I curled up into a small ball letting the tears flow freely. I muffled my sobs into a pillow trying not to let my cries be heard by Hiccup.

"why why why why why, I hate my life" I cried into my knees, trying to pull them closer if that was even possible. I didn't even know why I was feeling this way I should be happy but instead I wasn't.

I felt like gods just doing this to me because of how useless of a person I am and he has to punish me one way or another. I slowly looked up when I heard a knock on my door, I quickly dried my tears with my sleeve before walking over to the door and opening it. Hiccup was smiling slightly.

"Hey you okay? I was down stairs and heard some noise and I came to see if you where ok." He looked behind me to be room for then to back to my face. "I'm fine, I'll come downstairs with you," I tried to look as convincing as I could and I guess it worked when he nodded his head gently and started walking downstairs to the kitchen. I reluctantly followed him, while I mentally thanked myself for not having a red face after I've cried

Once down stairs I sat down on the chairs that where tucked under the counter, I pulled one out and sat dow. As Hiccup walked around the kitchen making a fruit salad. I watched him as he grabbed all the ingredients. I glanced at his wrists, they where bare only 3 bracelets around it.

My heart sunk seeing the cuts, they where the old ones but the though that he did that still puts me into shock. "You want to watch a movie?" He questioned while he finished up the fruit salad and walked around the bench towards me.

I nodded and followed him into the living room, I turned on the tv and played an old movie I didn't know the name of. I quietly watched as Hiccup offered me pieces of fruit here and there, I denied the offer but when he gave me a little look of disapproval I took it and chewed it slowly trying to not look completely disgusted by the food.

I had just eaten a piece of orange and hiccup spoke up for the first time since the movie finished.

"You know Astrid I just want to let you know your beautiful and whoever told you your not are lying," I smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. I closed my eyes soaking in his warmth as I finally realised, this is the happiest I've been all thanks to Hiccup.

Love you all xx

- Asty xoxo

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