Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: "I'm fine"


Astrid POV

"Astrid!!! Hiccup!!!" Heathers voice yelled out from somewhere in the food court. I looked up and followed the voice with Hiccup following behind me. After a few more steps we where facing the table with 5 pairs of eyes on us.

"Hey" Hiccup piped up behind me. I smiled slightly at how happy he sounded. I pulled out a chair and sat down as Hiccup pulled out a chair next to me and sat down as well.

Sitting at the table was tuffnut and ruffnut, the twins both with long blonde hair tuff was the boy and ruff the girl. Tuff and ruff are the whole deal always up to mischief and getting into trouble.

The next person was Fishlegs he was the brains always getting A's and reading the books. If you needed to know anything you just go to him and he'll have you covered.

Then there was Snotlout he was pretty ignorant and up himself. But if you need something you can rely on him (most of the time)

And there was Heather you already knew about her, she was probably the closes person to me, although no one on the table knew about my abusive father and I self harm. I needed to keep that to myself because there my problems not anyone else's.

My mind flashed back to the message my dad, or if I could even call him that, sent me. He was gonna beat the crap out of me when I get home and I'm not excited for it.

Hiccup, tuff and Snotlout when to grab their lunch. While everyone else had theirs I just sat there not eating anything because I knew I was too fat, so if I eat anything I'll get fat and no one will want me.

I hummed quietly to myself as everyone else had their own conversations, the guys where back from grabbing their lunch and joined in on the small talk that was happening.

Without anyone noticing I slipped away and out of the cafeteria. I walked through the empty hallways with only a few people passing me every now and then.

I'm not going to lie I was scared to go home. I didn't want to get abused. It hard getting abused then coming to school the next day having to hide the choke marks on my neck or the big bruises on my arms and legs.

Just the thought of it brought a shiver to my system. I needed a place where I could escape to, a place where I could be alone with just me and my thoughts. I sighed gently as I let my back rest against my locker.

I didn't want this to be my life. I thought life was supposed to be full of fun times, dancing around, laughing with friends, having dinners with your boyfriend, coming home to a family who make you a dinner, having movie nights with your family.

But that was just a vague memory of when I was 5 with my mother life was great but now life is not life, it's living hell.

"Are you ok?" I eyes widened and my head shot up quickly, causing me to groan in pain when I banged heads with who ever was there. I let out a huff as I looked up to see Hiccup with a concerned face.

"Yeh I'm fine"

'no your not'
'your lying'
'you want to die'
'wtf are you here'
'Your so fat no one wants you'
'I'm surprised he hasn't left you already'
'You should cut deeper and die'
'Your so worthless'

I smiled slightly hiding the pain I feel 24/7 but just at the moment I felt a tear cascade down my face, I quickly wiped it away trying to make sure he didn't see it. "A-Astrid" his voice rang through my ears as I nodded my head reassuring I was fine.

"Don't worry about it, no one else does" I shrugged my shoulder. But I then realised what I had said and slapped my hands over my mouth. "U-uh I was j-just kidding" I put on a nervous smile as I awkwardly looked at Hiccups concerned face.

"You know, I only met you today but I can tell where going to be friends, so if you need to talk about anything, anything at all I'm here for you no matter what, I can be your shoulder to cry on" Hiccup spoke with so much concern I wanted to just throw my arms around him and hug him.

And that's just what I did.

I threw myself at him and squeezed him tight "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou" I mumbled into his shirt. Hiccup just rubbed his hand up and down my back soothingly.

I pulled away slightly embarrassed that I had just thrown myself at him but he assured me it was fine and that once again he was always free to talk. I just nodded and thanked him again.

After Hiccup left Heather approached me with a slight smirk on his face. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed but with a hint of humour in it. "Oh nothing just that you practically threw your self at Hiccup and he totally hugged you back" Heather spoke cheekily. I rolled my eyes at her stupidity. "Whatever" I mumbled not knowing what to say.

"But you know I'm proud of you, Hiccup is hard guy to talk to he's really nice but he doesn't open up to just anyone, it took me 2 weeks for him to start to talk to me but for you it took him less than a day to be friends and hug you" Heather explained with proudness.

"Well what can I saw all the boys are after me" I chuckled lightly at my false comment.

"So true" Heather replied sarcastically, and making a diva hand gesture to go along with the act. I shook my head as I laughed along with Heather.

"Well I better get to class, can we meet after schoool?" Heather asked, but as soon as she did my breathing quickened, as I remembered what the dad said

From: Dad
You better get home on time for a massive beating if you come back any later I can assure you, won't be able to walk for a week.

I shivered slightly as I open my mouth but then Heather butted in "ok cool see you after school" she spoke before she ran off towards her next class. Anxiety ran through me as I knew I was going to get one of my worst beatings yet.

All because I can't talk up

Stupid me

Instagram: all.things.hiccstrid

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- Asty XX

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