Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: Questions
Hiccup pov

I sucked at the skin under Astrid's ear making her let out a muffled moan. Slowly I moved one of my hands under her shirt, gently caressing her smooth shin.

"Hiccup," Astrid mumbled as she went to grab my hands to stop them. I pulled away from her neck to look at her in the face she looked slightly embarrassed and wasn't meeting my gaze.

"I get it you don't want to go any further, it's okay Astrid I get it," I smiled at her reassuring her that I still loved her no matter what.

"I'm sorry," Astrid shifted her gaze to the floor as she slowly got off my lap to stand on the floor. My eyebrows furrowed, why was she apologising? She did nothing wrong.

"Don't apologise babe," I smiled at her leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek making her blush. She smiled warmly at me before cleaning up the kitchen a bit, I was about to help her out in the housework when there was a knock on the front door.

Astrid gave me a look probably wondering why we have someone at the door this early. We never have people knocking at our door in the morning or just in general really. I just shrugged my shoulders not knowing who it could possibly be. I opened the door with a smile but it dropped when I saw a police officer.

"Hello we are looking for Astrid Hofferson, is she home?" The lady spoke. She had a tight smile like she had somewhere to be and wanted things to hurry up. I nervously nodded before calling Astrid's name and telling her to come here.

"Yeah, what's up?" Astrid smiled at me until she realised that there was a police officer infront of our door.

"You must be Astrid, My name is Gwyneth and I'm here today because there has been some reports about your Father," Astrid looked alarmed as she quickly grabbed onto my hand for some support. Astrid nodded urging for the police officer to go on.

"And the reports have been of child abuse, to you. And I'm here to ask you that you can come with us to talk about your father and answer a few questions." Gwyneth's face was slightly sympathetic as she smiled at Astrid before facing me.

"Okay," Astrid's voice was slightly scared and I worriedly looked down to her seeing her just looking at the ground not saying a word.

"Well let's go then," I piped up hoping to move this along so we could get in and out of the police station as quick as possible.


"Did he ever hit you?"


"Did he ever starve you?"


"Did he ever call you names?"


"What names?"

"W-worthless, p-pathetic, u-useless, f-fat," I watched with worry as Astrid tried keeping in the tears as she repeated the words that man has told her.

Watching Astrid fall apart all because of her dad made me so mad at the mad for breaking his daughter and push her to the edge of death.

About 30 more minutes of questions and Astrid was ready to go home but not without promising that her father would be charged and locked away. Although knowing the horrid man was locked away only calmed some of Astrid's nerves. She was a lot more quiet and seemed sad. I was worried that she will relapse and I don't what that to happen.

"Do you want to go get some lunch?" I smiled warmly at her as I placed my hand on her thigh squeezing lightly knowing she still had some healing cuts from a few weeks ago. Astrid just stayed silent and kept looking out of the window.

We were driving around aimlessly and mainly because I want to distract Astrid so she doesn't think about cutting. I gripped the wheel tightly as a tear slipped down my cheek I quickly wiped it away with the back of my hand. I needed to be strong for Astrid I couldn't cry, not now.

"I just want you to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted ever since I came to this school and saw how broken your eyes were and how you put on fake smiles. I could tell you wanted to be happy but you couldn't, but I am here and willing to be with you every step of the way until you are completely recovered." I said not once looking at Astrid but I knew she was listening.

"I love you, and I'm trying I swear I am, it just takes time and I want to get better for you. I want to be with you I want to be able to go out in some swimmers to the beach with you and be comfortable in my body and not have cuts all over me," Astrid sniffed as she placed her hand on top of mine giving it a light squeeze.

"We will get you happy, I promise no matter what you will be happy,"


We ended up going out for lunch Astrid finally gave in and agreed. We where currently sitting down waiting for our food to come. When we where just making small talk here and there.

"Do you think I should tell the gang?" Astrid looked up at me nervously as she but her lip a habit she had picked up to do when she was nervous.

"About?" I questioned as I took a large gulp of water from my cup.

"About what I've been through? They deserve an explanation as to why we live together and stuff," Astrid shrugged her shoulders and nervously played with her bracelet around her wrist.

"It's all up to you if you don't want to I understand, but if you do I'll be there supporting you every step of the way," I smiled at her

"Okay tomorrow let's call them all over and tell them," Astrid smiled up at me and the happiness in her eyes made me beyond happy


- Asty xoxo

Heal my wounds (hiccstrid)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin