Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: insecure
- hiccup pov -
- Thursday -

- at school -

Not much had happened over the past few days, Astrid was still at mine and she was getting quite comfortable with me and I really liked it she started opening up more. Like at dinner on Wednesday I ordered pizza and she was having thoughts thinking she shouldn't eat the pizza and how she's fat. How lowly she talked of herself made me truly sad, Astrid is beyond beautiful and I told her how she was doing not fat and that no one would care if she was fat. I boosted up her confidence so much that she had 1 and a 1/2 slices of pizza and truthfully I couldn't be more proud of her.

When I told her how proud I was, she was so happy with that bright smile on her face that never seemed to leave. Seeing Astrid so happy made me happy. She seemed to be in such a good mood when she went to bed with a smile. I just hope she will be happy when she gets up.

I poured myself and Astrid a cup of tea and set it down on the counter. Astrid wasn't up just yet, I just watched the steam come off the hot tea it slowly drifted into the air then disappeared. I let out a sigh as I glanced to the clock we had 30 minutes to get to school. I probably should go wake Astrid up but I didn't want to wake her up.

I put down my tea and made my way up the stairs into Astrid's room. I slowly twisted the door knob and opened the door. I quietly walked over to her bed, where she laid. Astrid looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake her.

Her blonde hair was out running down her back all over the pillow, the covers were pulled up to her shoulders exposing some of her collar bone. Astrid was truly beautiful and I didn't understand how sometimes as pretty as her could doubt their beauty so much.

I had strong feelings for Astrid and Astrid had strong feelings for me. It's kinda like we just know these feelings we have for each other. We had never really talked about the slight kisses here and there. But I could feel myself growing a even stronger connection with Astrid then before.

The only thing that scares me is that I have only known Astrid for 3 weeks now and I don't want us to move too fast I want us to have a strong friendship before we start in any relationship. I shook myself out of my thoughts and realised that I had probably been staring at Astrid sleeping for 5 minutes and that that's probably really creepy and I probably should wake her up.

"Astrid," I whispered as I gently shook her shoulder. Astrid almost immediately stirred and rolled over letting out a groan. I chuckled quietly to myself at her laziness because I related to her so much.

"Time to get up we have school," I whispered to her as she started opening her eyes and glared at me. I smiled down at her before telling her we where leaving in 20 minutes and that sure got her up and running around like a lost chook, grabbing almost everything in sight.

I left Astrid to get ready and when downstairs to warm up our cups of teas a bit and make some toast. A few minutes passed and Astrid came down the stairs all ready with a bright smile on her face. Honestly when seeing Astrid happy I felt like my whole heart could explode. I just felt so complete when seeing her happy and smiling so wide.

"Your toast M'lady," I handed Astrid 2 pieces of toast on a plate. She looked very nervous and unsure of eating and it gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Uh I'm not very hungry," Astrid looked nervous as she looked anywhere but into my eyes. I knew this day would come where Astrid would question herself and me and be unsure.


"Hiccup trust me I'm just not hungry just don't worry about it," Astrid's smile was timid and forced which just made me even more worried and nervous.

"Okay but just remember your beautiful no matter what," I hoped that the compliment would make her eat at least an apple but nothing happened and I let out a sigh.

"Let go to school," I mumbled as I chucked out the toast I made for Astrid and started walking to the car. I was disappointed not in Astrid but in myself for not being about to help her eat. I huffed as I chugged my bag in the car and closed the door. Once Astrid was in I started up the car and made our way to school.

It was 5 minutes into the car ride and it had been silent the whole time. My thoughts where consuming my mind that I didn't notice Astrid's guilty face.

"Are you mad at me?" Her quiet voice made me come out of my thoughts and look over at her for a split second before looking back at the road. I shook my head couldn't be mad at her it must be hard, really hard and I had to be here for her not against her.

"I'm sorry, it's just scary I've never really had anyone there for me, I have had Heather but she never knew about everything but you do and I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I just don't want to mess it up by not eating a meal or something because I need you here Hiccup." Astrid numbered. She looked completely wrecked and I didn't realise how sorry she felt.

"Astrid it's fine, I just want you to try your hardest okay?" I mumbled as I placed my hand on her thy with my other hand resting on the wheel. "I am going to try, for you I promise," she smiled at me while she placed her hand on top of mine making me feel a wave of warmth and comfort.

My smile only grew wider when she leaned across the console of the car and gave me a small peck on the cheek.

I'm so sorry I have no excuse as to why this took so long

But it was my birthday 2 days ago! And I got an I phone 8

So updates are going to be quicker because now my phone isn't as crap as my old 6 lol xx

Love you all

- Asty xoxo

Heal my wounds (hiccstrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora