Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: I'm not hungry
- Friday
Astrid POV

"No you carry the number over when adding it" Hiccup huffed annoyed at how long it was taking me to do this one simple maths equation. I could tell I was being a nuisance because every time I messed up or I didn't know what to do he would shake his head and sound extremely frustrated. I felt guilty he looked so tired of me and my dumb questions.

"I'm sorry, I'm so dumb," I worried, I didn't want Hiccup hating me now. I grabbed my wrist digging my finger nails into the skin I just needed to feel the pain. I looked up still with my nails dug deep into my skin Hiccup hadn't noticed he was still trying to explain to me how to do it but the only thing I was thinking about was how much I regret chucking out my razor blade.

"don't worry, how about we take a break?" Hiccup breathed out looking slightly agitated and overwhelmed by my little knowledge in maths. I nodded my head in response I knew Hiccup was getting annoyed by me and when I was tiring I knew that I should just listen to them, so that's what I'll do.

I stayed sitting on the bed as Hiccup went to get some water for us I started on the next question so I could get a slight head start and Hiccup will not be so disappointed in my efforts towards the maths equation. I nervously twiddled my thumbs as I watched Hiccup walk into the room with two glasses of water and a large packet of chips. My stomach churned at the look of the chips I didn't feel like eating right now but I knew Hiccup was getting suspicious so I needed to either come up with a more convincing excuse or start eating.

I liked the first one better there was no way I was going to start eating I would just get more fat than I already am and if I'm fat no one would want to date me. "Do you want some chips?" Hiccup asked as he sat down I shook my head but I missed the frown that formed on his face. "Why not?" Hiccup seemed slightly curious, I knew he was catching on but I just shrugged. "not that hungry I had a big lunch" The lie just slipped straight past my lips I was so used to lying it had become a habit.

"I was with you all lunch and you didn't eat anything,"Hiccup queried. I nervously bit my lip trying to get out of this situation. "Um, how do you do this equation?" I questioned

"Astrid stop trying to change the subject, you didn't have lunch at school and your denying food now, you know that's making me suspicious that you purposely don't want food." My heart was thumping loudly I needed to change the subject or come up with something. I knew I should tell Hiccup the truth but I don't want to I don't want him to leave me.

"Astrid please, don't tell me...."

"I- I'm sorry" I apologized I didn't want to talk and tell Hiccup but I knew it would be best. "why?" he gently asked as though I was going to break any second and it made me feel so small and like a baby.

"I-I'm not skinny enough, but don't worry I'm not eating so I will become pretty just a few more weeks and I'll be pretty and skinny," I assured him but he just looked even more worried and scared. "Astrid can't you see your so skinny your, too skinny you're not fat you need to eat Astrid please," Hiccup tried to reason with me but I knew what was good for me and I knew I needed to just go a few more weeks and then I'll be pretty.

"Hiccup please I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would react like this" I mumbled as I pulled the covers over me. I just wanted to hide away forever. "Astrid I can't force you to eat but I want to tell you that your beautiful and you don't need to loose weight" I just nodded my head in response.

My head shot up when I heard the doorbell ring. "I guess there here" I said pulling the covers off me and pulling my shirt down slightly. I watched hiccup get up, today he was just wearing some jeans and a top along with a few bracelets. I'd never seen him wear bracelets before but I personally think he looks good in them. "Yep I'm going to order the pizza you grab the door."

I stood up and made my way downstairs to open the door. I Twisted the knob and opened the door to see Snotlout, Heather, tuff, Ruff and fishlegs all standing there with backpacks and Heather holding a pillow. "Hey guys" I smiled at them all I was happy they where here I felt a lot more together when our whole gang was together and we where just chilling.

They all replied with 'hi's' or 'hello's' "Hiccups just ordering the pizza so let's go set up in the living room. I motioned to the room next to the kitchen where Hiccup was sitting on the counter talking into the phone. He gave a big smile and a wave to everyone. They all waved back and followed me into the quite large room that had 7 mattress and two large couches.

"Wooo hooo I shots the couch" Snotlout yelled as he jumped into the large couch. I just chuckled to myself as I watched everyone else jump onto the mattress they wanted to sleep on. As everyone was settling in Hiccup walked through the door with 5 boxes of pizza. "That was quick" Fishlegs said as he kicked off his shoes.

"Yeh they only live like a kilometre away from us" Hiccup shrugged his shoulders and placed down the boxes of pizza. "Yessss pizaaa" ruff yelled before running over knocking Hiccup out. I laughter to myself these people really did make me feel happy.

I'm so sick I can barely breathe

RTTE SEASON 5 was so good I'm shook omg omg help me

Love you all

- asty xoxo

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