Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: yes, no yes but no

- Monday morning -

Hiccup POV

"ASTRID" I yelled across the rugby field, I saw her walking in today, I smiled slightly today I was going to ask if Astrid wanted to come out to dinner with me. I just want her to feel happier and more safe around me. And I love spending time with her.

Astrid waved slightly before jogging up to meet me. "Hey" she breathed out.

"Hey" I smiled down at her. When she caught up with me. "I was wondering if this afternoon you wanna come out to dinner with me, like no where fancy just a chill dinner" I nervously pushed my hair back as I felt sweat building in the palms of my hands.

I don't know why I was so nervous about asking Astrid out for dinner, I mean it might be because where really close and I don't want her to reject me, I dunno but I do know that Astrid means so much to me and she so amazing.

"I-I would love to" Astrid looked up through her lashes with a smile.

I let out a sigh of relief as I smiled as well. We continued walking into the corridors, we where silent but it was comfortable silence. We both walked to our lockers and pulling out our books for the day.

As I was pulling out my maths book I heard a string of curse words coming from the left of me. I looked over to see Astrid holding her upper arm in pain. My eyes widened as I saw her looking close to tears.

I looked to her arm to see a massive bruise covering half her arm. I let out a gasp at how purple it looked and I was surprised I hadn't noticed it earlier. "Astrid, what happened" I curiously spoke as I grabbed her books from her making sure she doesn't hurt her arm anymore.

"Oh, it was nothing" Astrid waved me off as if there wasn't a bruise at all. I was worried now because there are some people that purposely bruise them self it's like a form of self harm. I just hoped that wasn't the reason.

"Astrid a bruise that is dark purple and is covering half your arm is not 'nothing' tell me what happened" I looked Astrid straight into her eyes, but I couldn't get what she was feeling or what was happening.

Astrid just looked down at her shoes not answering me so I asked the question. "Astrid did you do this to yourself?" I was nervous for the answer because I just want Astrid to get better.

Astrid head shot up and she was shaking it rapidly "no no I didn't my dad di-" was all before Astrid cut her self off. My eyes widened.

Astrid dad did this, "w-what do you mean your dad did it?" I slightly growled angry at what I had just heard. I could tell Astrid was scared of how angry I got so I backed down slightly softening my features but still pushing for the answer.

"No, yes but no, like yes" Astrid words where everywhere while she looked like a mess. She was breathing rapidly and looked not too good.

I quite well knew that I might have to be dealing with abusive Father.

"Hey hey hey Astrid it's ok we'll drop it but tonight at dinner we'll talk about you'll be more calm then" I gently soothed her making sure she was calmer than before.

Astrid looked up sheepishly before looking back down at her shoes and playing with her thumbs. I knew right now Astrid needed some comfort so I pulled Astrid into a hug. I ignored my rapidly beating heart and focused on the girl I front of me.

The girl that is struggling

And I hope I'm there for her

When she hits rock bottom


"Uh the chicken salad with out the chicken please"

"And for you sir?"

"Uh the steak burger please" I gave a polite smile to the waiter before looking back down at Astrid while the waiter walked away mumbling a 'ok'

Me and Astrid where now at the chill restaurant it wasn't anything fancy just in casual clothes. I looked at Astrid's face trying to get her to look at me but she wouldn't budge she had been out of it all day, and I'm pretty sure it's because of I told her we can talk when where having dinner.

And we'll where at dinner so it's time to talk, "so how are you feeling" I smiled at her before gently grabbing her hand, I ignored the butterfly's the erupted in my stomach at the simple touch and tried to focus on Astrid, not that that was very hard.

"Yeh I'm ok" Astrid made her answer short before slowly glancing down at our hands that where now intwined together on the table. Astrid face had a light blush coating it which made me chuckle to myself.

"Do you want to talk about where you got all those bruises from" I said straight to the point it might not of been the best way to introduce it but I had to say it.

Astrid did look slightly uncomfortable but soon calmed down when I gently squeezed her hand making sure to reassure her. "My dad, I get them from my dad" Her voice whispered up.

Heart stopped, and smile dropped

Astrid is abused, Astrid gets abused, this was something I couldn't proceed. Who could even think about hurting Astrid she didn't deserve any of this. I was lost for words and didn't know what to do.

"I s-" I was cut off quickly by Astrid.

"Don't worry about it, he just punches me hits me and sometimes locks me in the basement, he did that to me on the weekend that's why I'm such a mess today. And I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble when I get home because I'm home late"Astrid looked like she had just lifted a weight off her shoulders.

"Astrid you need to tell someone" I worriedly spoke trying to give her some reason.

"I have I told you" Astrid shrugged lightly before looking down at her glass of water.

"No someone that can stop it"

"It's fine, I'll deal"


I'm not going to ask if u liked the chapter because everyone likes to scream at me 'hiccstrid' 'Astrid's not getting better' like yeh hiccstrid will come and yeh here's the logic a boy can't actually save a girl from depression, or vice versa you have to save yourself thats the truth. And As soon as Hiccup is in the picture doesn't mean she's suddenly better you don't know she might not ever get better she might get better in 3 chapters you don't know so please stop staying stuff like that only if it's helpful and not useless some comments weren't bad they explained them self and I was happy for that, thankyou but yes please learn from this ok cool.

- Asty xox

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