Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: new girl
Hiccup pov

"This is our new student, please welcome Merida," the teacher beamed while pointing to a girl with intense red hair, nothing like I've ever seen before and came down in tight curls to about waist length. My eyes wandered up to her face where me and Merida's eyes caught for a split second and I gave her a genuin smile trying to welcome her but instead of smiling back she looked over at Astrid before looking back at me giving me a smile and a wink.

I was taken back by the gesture and nervously looked away, I didn't want Astrid thinking I liked this girl after a few seconds of knowing her. I glanced over to Astrid who was sitting next to me. I suddenly became alarmed when I saw Astrid pressing down on her cut under her sweater.

"Astrid," I whispered as I quickly pulled her hand away before she had time to reopen a cut. Astrid looked down ashamed of herself and it honestly hurt a lot seeing her so sad all the time.

Just this time I didn't know why she felt down to re open one, I mean school had just started what could if made her sad in this short time she was happy in the car. But I didn't ask her because I knew it was a personal question I just held her hand under the table completely forgetting about Merida who saw the whole thing.

Merida was asked to sit at the back just a row behind me. I didn't look at her again though while I rubbed small circles into the top of Astrid's hand. Class passed by relatively quickly Astrid had only muttered a few words here and there but she seemed to finally be looking back to herself again and not so sad and down.

As the bell rung meaning the end of class and lunch time I quickly started packing up my things. As did Astrid, I waited for her as she was a slow packer making sure everything went in it's right place and that all her books where lined up nicely.

I smiled at her cuteness as she picked up her books and gave me a small smile before gently grasping her own hand in mine and walking out of the classroom but not before saying a nice 'thank you' to the teacher for their time and then making our way down the hallway to sport .

I could tell by the way Astrid was holding my hand tightly that she didn't like sport too much. For starters the changing rooms and having to change in front of heaps of other girls and it didn't help that she was extremely self conscious.

Also her cuts are there out in the open so she often wears bracelet but that doesn't stop her from becoming nervous of people seeing them. We made our way to the gym and I have her a quick smile before going to the boys change room.

10 minutes later everyone was out of the bathrooms and running laps around the track. I didn't want to brag but I was a pretty good track runner and was at the front no one could really pass me or really come close to me. I smiled at the wind in my hair I was on lap 3 out of 4 and was passing many people from lap 3 who had given up and walked.

The great feeling was short lived when I saw the new girl Merida run straight past me over taking me. My eyes widened and I started running faster trying to beat her. She couldn't just come in and take this from me. I let out a huff when we came to the finish line and she beat me by 2 meters.

My throat was tight from lack of oxygen as I gasped for air. I slowly walked over to the water bubbler grabbing some water to hopefully making it easier for my throat.

"Your a fast runner," My head shot up when I heard a girl with a thick Scottish accent which I could slightly remember from this morning. I looked behind me to see Merida smiling happily at me. Her vibrant curls where sticking out everywhere.

"I could say the same about you." I retorted back chuckling slightly when she placed her hand on her heart as if I had said a complement. She smiled at me before turning around to point to Astrid

"Is that girl like your girlfriend, because I saw you holding hands and I want to know who's available in this school." Merida nudged me slightly with her shoulder before winking at me. It made me slightly uncomfortable and nervous around her.

Not the good nervous the bad nervous.

"Well uh no, we aren't dating," I fumbled with my fingers as I realised that both me and Astrid had mutual feelings and acted like a couple but actually weren't a couple although it may come off that way.

"Hmm," Merida smirked over at Astrid before giving me one last look and strutting away with her head held high. I was confused at what Merida wanted but shook it off not wanting to seem annoying. I frowned when seeing Astrid fiddling with her fingers looking like she was about to cry. I quickly walked over wanting to comfort her.

"Astrid?" I gently placed my hand on her shoulder but I felt a bang in my chest when she flinched away from my touch. 'It's just because of her past' I reminded myself. She looked up at me with big eyes and a small frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked gently while ignoring everyone around us who where either passing a ball or sitting down on the steel benches. Astrid looked down to her toes while her eyes looked like they where watering. I quickly pulled her in for a hug at first she stiffened but soon relaxed when she knew I wasn't going to hurt her.

"Just not a good day I guess," she mumbled while digging her face more into my chests while I ran my fingers through her soft hair. It made me so sad when seeing her sad and knowing that I'm trying my hardest to make her smile and I just can't. I guess I'm not a prince in shining armour.

I'm sorry this took so long I got my braces off!! And they hurt and i also had to get stiches and I was in the hospital for a while and it really hurt so I didn't feel like writing and I have 3 days of school left for the year!! And in those 3 days I have 3 tests so I'm studying hard !!!

Love you all


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