Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: "w-why?"


Hiccups POV

"No please no!" Astrid voice whimpered beside me as we watched HTTYD 3 and it is really sad it is about a guy who says goodbye to his best friend who is his dragon. And they have been through so much but they have to say goodbye. I held in the tears as the dragon flew away looking back at his owner before shooting fire bolts in the air as in his way of saying. "Thank you for everything I love you and will never forget you"

This movie relates to me on a personal level

"Why?" Astrid almost shouted as the screen turned off and the movie started rolling the credits, showing that was it there where no more movies or anything. With Astrid being so loud I cause a few angry glances coming our way but Astrid didn't care because she was so cut about the movie.

I gently grabbed Astrid's hand as I led her out of the cinema hoping not to annoy anymore people then she already has. "That was.." I started and Astrid finished "sad"

"Yeh but don't worry think about all the good times they had together that's better right?" I asked. "Yeh I guess" she mumbled looking down at out intwined hands. I completely forgot we where holding hands but the warmth and slight tingles it gave me where exciting sending a blush onto my cheeks.

"Well where do you want to eat?" I asked but I kept my hand in hers because the warmth of her hands make me relax. "Umm I don't know where ever you want to go" she stated while she looked around the the mall.

It looked like she hadn't been to the mall in 3 years by the way here eyes wonder from one thing to another and she was confused as to where each path led to. "Ok" I nodded as I held Astrid's hand close and pulled her through the crowd making sure she was ok with the amount of people here.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence we stumbled upon a burger place. It smelt like heaven on earth and I asked if she wanted to eat here but by the way she was drooling was enough for me to know she wanted to eat here.

"Hello my name is bucket and I'm going to be your waiter for today, here's the menus I'll be back in a minute to order your drinks and food" bucket spoke happily before he handed us menus and left with out another word.

A few minutes in and I had decided to go for the 'true American burger' while Astrid decided to go for 'brunch burger'  my mouth was watering at the smell of the food. "Well Astrid tell me more about yourself" I smiled at her, Astrid just nodded and started talking.

"Well my names Astrid Hofferson, I'm 17 years old, I love cats and dogs, and if- uh when I grow up I want to be an artist" She coughed nervously. That was a great description but I furrowed my browns at the 'if I grow up part' what did she mean by that?  I just shook it off ignoring it.

"That's great!" I smiled at her, and that was when I looked her straight in the eye and I noticed just how beautiful she was, her dark pink lips, big blue eyes, long blonde hair, light freckles dusted across her nose and upper cheeks under her eyes and her beautiful smile with pearly white straight teeth.

"Tell me about yourself" came Astrid's soft voice. "Well my names Hiccup Haddock I'm 17 I love dogs and when I grow up I want to be an engineer" I smiled brightly at her, and I saw her blushing and I smiled back.

Me and Astrid started up small talk going on about anything and everything, it was great just taking with her we where getting so close and I didn't mind at all. We when on about how scary sky diving must be then parasailing. "I could never jump out of a plane" I stated. Astrid just laughed shaking her head.

"I bet you I could get you to jump out with me, just imagine how amazing it would be seeing the whole city from the sky" Astrid spread out her arms for effect, I just chuckled shaking my head at her. Then a few seconds later our burgers where in front of us and they where massive. Astrid looked almost scared to eat hers.

"Eat up!" The waiter said happily, I'm pretty sure his name was 'bucket' said. "We will" I spoke up for both of us, I looked over to see Astrid with a great full smile on her face. Bucket walked away as I dug in picking up my burger and taking a big bite out of mine. The heavily food in my mouth did wonders and I was enjoying every moment of it, I looked over to see Astrid just picking at the salad on the side only taking a bite of a piece of lettuce every now and then.

"You not hungry?" I asked Astrid, at the question Astrid's head shot up quickly and he eyes widened, "yeh I mean I had a massive! Breakfast so yeh I'm feel really full but I'm sure I can wrap it up and take it home to eat" Astrid spoke but I knew something was up by the way she subconsciously rubbed her arms. I just nodded not wanting to push her any further,

but then my whole world changed when I saw this one thing that was going to change my life. My heart was beating fast and my stomach dropped. There was tears almost in my eyes my breathing ragged and my hands shaking. I just sat there not knowing what to say.

"A-Astrid?" I spoke my voice shaky and cracking a few times. At the tone of my voice Astrid looked up at me with her eyes furrowed. "What wrong?" She asked urgently her eyes wide. I didn't know what to say but I took in a breath scared that what I say was true, I prayed that I was just seeing things but I knew deep down what I saw was the truth. I let out a breath before speaking up but only in a broken whisper.

"Do you self harm?"

[Instagram: all.things.hiccstird

Ohhhh damnnnnnn

I'm like scared for what is going to happen and I'm the author!!!

Comment at every chance you get because remember in-line comments are my favourite!!!!

I've had this planned out all along that hiccup finds out in chapter 9 and chapter 10 is... well you'll have to wait and see.

Love you all x

- asty xx]

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