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A few hours had past and Dan had fallen asleep by the time Tyler arrived home. Tyler opened the front door as he took out his phone from his pocket. "Dan, we need to talk" Tyler said as he walked to the bedroom where he saw Dan completely passed out in bed as he was laying on his stomach without a shirt on.

Tyler sighed as he saw the boy. He couldn't go on anymore. He had to do something which will probably hurt Dan but he didn't care because Dan did the same to him. He got out a notepad and a pen from the drawer and started writing. Once he was done he placed it on Dan's bedside table and and left, not saying a word as he did so.

The next morning, Dan woke up as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He looked over to see the notepad. It read:

Hi Dan,
I'm breaking up with you. I came to the conclusion that you're better off with someone you actually love. Phil. You're probably hurt but I don't care; you did the same to me. I'm picking up my stuff today at around 7 pm. When I arrive, don't even think of trying to bring me back into the relationship. This is my decision. I think you're an amazing person but because of what happened, I can't even look at you how I used to... as this perfect boyfriend. Don't take it the wrong way, it's just complicated. Say hi to Phil for me once you two get back together. See ya
-Tyler (your EX-boyfriend)

Dan couldn't even believe what he was reading as he slammed the notepad down on the bed in anger. He didn't really know how to feel that moment. "that's it.. we're over" he said in anger as he face-palmed. He got out of bed and started packing up Tyler's things prior. He forcefully grabbed anything that was his and stuffed it into a bag.

Once he was done, he grabbed the bag and dragged it into the corridor. "I have to call Phil" he thought, as he immediately did so. A few minutes later, and Phil was at his door. He opened up for him and let him in. "so, what happened?" Phil asked as he closed the door behind him. "Read this" Dan said as he handed Phil the notepad.

He read each and every word in the letter and opened his mouth slightly out of disbelief. "He broke up with you.." Phil said as he furrowed his eyebrows. Dan nodded as he leaned back on the corridor wall and crossed his arms. "He broke up with you,.. by writing a letter... Okay, that's just a dick move right there. He couldn't even break up with you in person at least?!" Phil said as he handed the notepad to Dan.

"It doesn't matter.. He broke up with me and it's official" Dan said, looking down. "First of all, how could anyone break up with you. You are an amazing person and you look incredible-" Phil got stopped as he eyed Dan up and down, seeing his bare skinny torso. "Yeah, but you forgot to mention that I'm a slut, whore, liar, asshole,.. your portable fucking sex toy... maybe that's why he broke up with me" Dan said as he walked closer to Phil.

"It's not true.. he broke up with you because of me. He found out that we fucked and now it's my fault for luring you in. Don't blame this on yourself cause you didn't do anything wrong" Phil said, looking down at Dan.

"Phil, I know you're blaming yourself for this thing that we both did but it's useless. I never really liked him that much. I was just boyfriend hungry when you left. It's alright" Dan said as he his a small smile. After that was just silence. They didn't talk for a solid minute until Phil decided to open his mouth.

"Can we just... have sex already?" Phil said as he crossed his arms. "Excuse me..?" Dan responded, furrowing his eyebrows. "Look, I want to be boyfriends again but I don't think we are ready yet so, we should just only have sex" Phil said as he looked at Dan's brown eyes.

"But, I want to be boyfriends again. I can't just have you fuck me and leave right after... it doesn't make sense to me" Dan argued. "Fine, here's a compromise. What if we break it off just for a few days and then get back together. I'm saying that we shouldn't start dating now, cause I know you need time to figure your sex life out" Phil suggested.
Dan nodded as he said, "sure"

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