...proving that they were a couple. Suddenly the guy stood up, walking over to their waiter. "Hey, can my table have one more pint of Pepsi" he said, winking as he walked back to the table. "I am, totally gonna have that guys number. Even if he has a boyfriend. I'm gonna fuck the shit out of him. He looks familiar though" the guy said, telling his whole group. -a few minutes later- the guy walked over to Dan's table, placing the whole pint of Pepsi on Dan's side. "For you, babe. On the house" he said as he bit his bottom lip. Dan looked back up at the dark haired guy.

"Hold on,.. Brandon... as in Brandon Rodgers?" He said pointing up at him. "Wait, Daniel Howell. Mr. Pretty boy" the guy said, smiling and crossing his arms. "You two know each other?" Chris asked as he pointed to both of them. "Yeah, we used to.. do stuff in high school" Dan said as he crossed his legs. "Yep. You were my bitch at the time. On a more important note, who's the fucking nerd?" Brandon said as he looked at Phil, criticizing him. "I'm his boyfriend" Phil aggressively said, giving Brandon a dirty look.

"We got a cranky one here.. anyways see you all never, and Dan I'll message you, bitch" He said as he walked back to his table like nothing happened. "What the actual fuck was that?" PJ said as he looked at Dan in shock. "He's just a friend. Nothing special" Dan said as he leaned back on the chair. "If there's anything you need to talk about, just tell us" Phil said, holding his hand and smiling. -back at home- Dan was sitting on their bed, playing with his phone, in his pajamas which consisted of only pastel shorts. Suddenly, Phil got in the room, leaning against the doorway, soaking wet as he just got out of the shower.

"Hey.." Phil said as he crossed his arms. "Hey.." Dan responded as he looked up at Phil and smiled, switching off his phone. "Umm,.. can we talk?" Phil said as he sat down next to Dan, still with his towel wrapped around his waist. "Alright..." Dan said as he shifted his body to face Phil. "So, about Brandon-" Phil started. "I knew you were going to mention Brandon. Nothing happened with us, okay. Is that what you want to hear!" Dan said as he looked down and blushed. "I'm sorry, that was too aggressive" Dan apologized.

"It's alright. But, he did say at the restaurant, that 'you were his bitch'. What's that all about?" Phil asked. Dan didn't say anything he just turned redder and redder each time he waited. "Dan, you're turning red, something definitely happened" Phil said, leaning in closer to Dan. "Fine, it's a long, dark story. So, you better listen" Dan said as he looked back at his boyfriend. Phil nodded and smiled. "Okay... so, basically.. back in high school, he used to bully me in.. ways. Throw me against lockers, hit me, punch me and he once lit up a cigarette and pressed against the back of my neck. He hurt like fucking shit" Dan said as he drew his knees up to his chest.

"I still have the mark, but no one ever noticed. But, anyways.. uhh,.. there was one incident were he.. he... I can't say it. It's too personal" Dan said as he looked Phil in the eye. "It's fine, take it slow. Calm down.. tell me when your ready. I want to help" Phil hugged Dan. Dan buried his head in the crook of his neck. Phil hugged tightly, feeling like he should never let go. "Okay, I think I can tell you. This is kind of.. embarrassing I guess. He..

Hi guys ^^
#cliffhanger. You will know what Brandon did to him, in the next chapter. Stayed tuned and until next time lads bai <3

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