( WTF 50 FUCKING CHAPTERS, I DONT HAVE A LIFE. THANKS GUYS) also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BFF PastelPotato16 . This one is for you gurl :)))

"Guess what day it is" Phil said the next afternoon as he wore his leather jacket. "Ugh, operation day" Dan said as he saw Phil closing the wardrobe door, still in bed. "Yup, and you are going to go into that examination room, and everything is going to go as planned" Phil said, as he stood in front of Dan with his hands on his hips. "Do I have to go..., I'm fine with having this bandage wrapped around my hand all my life, I just don't want to do it" Dan said, leaning back onto the bed.

"Oh Dan, what's the worst that could happen? You are in good hands, trust me on that one" Phil said as he picked Dan up from his back, until he was sat up right again. "Yeah, right... whatever" Dan sighed as he got out of bed and walked up to his closet. He picked out a mustard coloured sweater, high waisted jean shorts and his all famous white converse. "You know you need to change into that hospital gown when you go there. No use in looking cute, hot and making me want to take your shorts off" Phil said, as he crossed his arms, looking at Dan up and down.

"Excuse me for wearing my normal clothes. Besides I don't even think I own a pair of sweatpants" Dan said, as he tied the last shoe lace he had. Phil, smirked as they both walked out of the house and into Phil's car. Phil drove them to the hospital as they they walked to the receptionist desk. "How may I help you?" A lady said as she gave a smile. Phil wrapped one arm around Dan's hips as they held hands. "Yeah, so we have an appointment for an operation on my boyfriend's hand" Phil smiled back, but looked more panicked and worried than ever.

"Oh, the appointment is under.. Howell I suppose. I'll go see with the doctor if the operation is set" The lady continued as she looked at the papers on her desk. She went over to a phone on the other side of the desk, ringing in Dan's doctor. Phil shifted his head to Dan. "It's going to be alright" Phil said as he kissed Dan's jaw, tightening his grip, and pulling them closer together. "Right this way" the lady suddenly said as she got off the phone.

They both followed the nurse to a room where Dan had to change into a hospital gown. "Sir, you can't come in. Right after we need to get him on a medication" The nurse, smiled. Phil stood still, nodding. He looked up at Dan and winked as he turned around and walked away. The nurse closed the door, leaving Phil outside, as she explained some instructions to Dan. Dan nodded, letting the nurse leave as he started stripping down to his underwear. The nurse walked back in, helping Dan put on the hospital gown as she led him to the bed.

"Now, this thing right here is gonna help you dose off. Don't be scared of it. It doesn't hurt" The nurse continued as she got out a needle and tapped at it to make sure it was working fine. "Prop your arm here" The nurse said, as Dan began to sweat from seeing the needle. He shakily placed his hand on the arm rest as he closed his eyes shut. He winced a bit from the pain but after a few minutes he began to dose off slowly but surely. "You can come back in sir" The nurse said as she opened the door to find Phil biting his nails as he sat down on a chair. He stood up, the nurse moving at the side as Phil walked in.

The lady got out of the room, leaving Dan and Phil alone together. "Hey, buddy" Phil said as he stood in front of Dan, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. He smiled, as he saw Dan smirking a bit at him. He walked off to the side of the bed, sitting down on a chair. "Mm... Phil.." Dan said, sleepily looking at Phil. "I'm here, baby" Phil said, placing a hand on Dan's torso, caressing it with his fingers. "Stay" Dan said, smiling like an idiot at his boyfriend.

"I would but I can't." Phil confessed, pitifully frowning. Suddenly the door opened as two men and the nurse came in. "We're going to start the operation, sir. Do you mind making sure that he doesn't have any accessories on him" The nurse happily smiled. Phil immediately knew what he would be taking off. The ring. He looked at Dan's hands, spotting the ring as he carefully took it off him, placing it in his leather jacket pocket. "Not the... ring.." Dan dosed off completely. Phil mumbled a quick 'I'm sorry' and placed a kiss on his lips before he left.

One of the men went up behind him, placing an oxygen mask around Dan's mouth. They strolled him out into another room, were the door slammed shut and got locked. Phil walked out of the previous room he was in and went off to the waiting room. He sat down on a chair, crossing his feet on top of it as he got out his phone to text PJ and Chris on their group chat.

From: Phil 🚬
Dan just went in the operation room.

From: PJ 💎
Wait, so you took the ring off. Oh, Dan's gonna be furious

From: Phil 🚬
Dw he isn't. Once he gets out of that room, I'm gonna place it on his finger like nothing happened.

From: Chris 🆒
Yeah, good luck with that m8. Still hope he's gonna be fine :)

From: Phil 🚬
I hope so too. Text you guys l8er. Wish my baby boy luck 😊

From: PJ 💎

Phil smiled as he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked to his right to find a woman, in her 40's or so, with her hair neatly pulled back into a bun. "Your Phil are you?" The woman asked, as she smiled. Phil nodded, still confused.

"Oh, I'm Dan's mum. He told me everything about you"

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