They looked at each other, silent. Phil couldn't speak. All he could do, is stare at the heartbroken Dan in front of him. Phil looked down and shivered. "M-My parents called yesterday.... and s-since their.. umm.. Christian, they heard the priest talk about how you should.... s-should never let your son and daughter be a homosexual.... it got to them.. Dan. I have to move out... even out of my own apartment.... I need to leave to the other side of the fucking country" Phil cried.

Dan looked at him, and that was the first time he'd seen him cry. It felt like utter shit.. seeing the person you love to death, cry and be sad about something he can't really change. "..... I don't even know what to say. I.. I-I.... how? I don't know what I'm gonna do without you. I need you" Dan wiped off a tear which was forming in his waterline. "One week.... that's all I have. One week to leave, one week to be with you, one week to do anything...... one week to convince my parents to change their mind" Phil sobbed.

Dan sighed to himself. His hand made its way to Phil's, and immediately intertwined his fingers with his. They looked at each other, and without any hesitation, pressed their lips together for as long as they possibly could. "Lets go home, Phil" Dan smiled pitifully, as he disconnected their lips. Phil nodded as they both stood up and walked to Phil's car. Once they got home, Dan opened up the door as they walked inside. Suddenly, Phil's phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out, seeing the caller ID. 'Mum' it said.

Dan walked off to the kitchen, not realizing that Phil got a call from his parent. Without saying anything, Phil glanced at Dan, and walked to the bathroom, locking himself in. He answered the phone, as he sat down, legs crossed, on the toilet seat. "Hi, mum" he started, trying not to burst out crying.

"Hello, darling. Did you do the dead?"       "Yeah... I broke up with him..."

Dan started hearing muttering in the bathroom. He dropped everything he was doing and walked next to the bathroom door. He pressed his ear on the door, hearing every word coming out of Phil's mouth.

"Good, son. Being what you are, isn't right. Gods words and we need to follow them"
"....... I can't leave him, mum. I just can't. I love him so much, that you don't even know. .... all you and dad did, was shout at each other and just be asshol-... mean to each other.... I don't want that to happen. Please just change your mind and let me live, for once..... please" Phil pleaded, shedding a tear here on out.

"No, I'm helping you, Phil. I'm sending you somewhere where they can change you. Are you crying, sweetie?"
"Umm... n-no, I'm...... uhh, fine. Totally..."
"I'm doing what's right for you. And I mean, for Pete sake, he's a stripper. Do you think the boy has any respect and decency. He was probably the richest person growing up. And he's a spoiled brat"
"If you only knew what happened to Dan. If you only knew, that he was adopted. Thrown out, at what, 8... dad has cancer,.... mum barely talks to him. You should be so grateful. And yes, he's fucked up, but I love that so fucking much! And the thing we have in common, is that I'm fucked up too... because of you. And your stupid reasoning. Don't you even want me to be happy!"
"Language, Philip-"

"Fuck.... you.... too" Phil lastly said as he hung up, throwing his phone down on the sink out of anger. He sighed angrily, as stood and looked up at the ceiling. "...Phil, are you okay?" Dan knocked on the door. Phil looked at the door, realizing that he'd heard everything. He quickly opened up, meeting Dan.

"I'm so sorry"

You Look Good From The Waist Down (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now