Right after their little.. 'make out session' which included much more, Dan and Phil were both laying in bed, with the sheets covering them till their torso as they both stared at the ceiling, waiting for the other person to say something at this awkward time. "..we need to talk" Dan opened his mouth to talk. Phil immediately looked at him, seeing the familiar outline and silhouette of his boyfriend. "I think we're becoming sex addicts" Dan said, concerned as he gulped. "What do you mean 'sex addicts'" Phil replied, as he lifted an eyebrow. "Well, you know... one minute we're enjoying breakfast and the next minute your fucking me. We're always having sex and I don't think it's really a bad thing but what if it is" Dan said as he turned his head slightly to look at Phil.

"Hmm.. I guess you're right, but I wouldn't call it a 'sex addict', cause you're fucking the same person.. I hope.. " Phil reasoned. Dan sighed, shaking his head a tiny bit. "Are we both just really desperate to have sex?.. Don't get me wrong, Phil, like I love having sex with you but maybe it's too much" Dan said, as he sat upright. Phil did the same as he rested his head on Dan's shoulder. "Me too, but maybe your right. We definitely need to take a break. I honestly feel like my dick is gonna fall off and I'm pretty sure your ass is sore from all of that" Phil said as he kissed the tip of Dan's shoulder.

"Hah, it's not sore yet, so next time you need to go a bit harder" Dan chuckled as he kissed Phil on the top of his head. "Alright, alright... I'll go so hard next time you can't even walk the next day" Phil bit his bottom lip as he raised his head from Dan's shoulder and got closer to his neck. "Challenge accepted" Dan said, as he turned back to Phil, giving him a kiss on his lips. They both smiled at each other, giggling straight after. "Want to cuddle..?" Phil suddenly said, as he placed his hand on Dan's waist. "Sure.." Dan smiled, as they both leaned back onto the bed again.

Phil layed his back completely onto the mattress as Dan rested his head on his chest. Phil's hand which was closest to Dan, traveled to his naked back, lightly tracing unknown patterns with his fingertips. Dan's fingers dragged slowly across Phil's bare chest, outlining all the tattoos he had. They both smiled to themselves as Phil closed his eyes. "I'm actually thinking of getting a tattoo" Dan said after a while, as his eyes shifted up to Phil. "You?... Getting a tattoo?.. Yeah, right." Phil chuckled. "What.. I'm serious, you spork. I always wanted one" Dan hit Phil's chest playfully.

"Okay, okay.. then, why do want to get a tattoo. Aren't you scared of needles" Phil said, cuddling Dan more. "First of all, I want to get two. They both mean a fuck ton to me but I'm not gonna tell you what they are yet. And second of all, yes, I am scared of needles but I decided to face my fear. Lately I've been such a pussy about things and I thought that this is a great way to start overcoming those fears" Dan confessed, kissing Phil's chest after the speech.

"Alright princess. Starting strong are we. Do you need your daddy to come along with you, or are you fine in your little kingdom" Phil teased, as he gripped his hand on Dan's waist. "Nope, the princess is fine in her little kingdom. But right after the event, the princess commands her daddy for more cuddles, more kisses and at least five hickeys" Dan playfully said back, wrapping his arm around Phil's torso, and moving their bodies closer. "Does the princess also want her daddy to wrap his arms round her waist, and pick her up as he kisses her neck, marking it as his..?" Phil sensually said, kissing Dan in different places in between one sentence and the other.

"Hmm.. I'll accept it too" Dan giggled as he pressed their lips together. Not letting go for a second.

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