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Dan opened the door to his home and walked in, sighing after meeting 'Phil the asshole' according to him. He went upstairs to his room. He took his shoes off, along with his high thighs, skirt and sweater until he was left with only his underwear. He reached into a drawer to grab a pastel pink oversized shirt, soft fluffy striped high thighs and a choker just to feel cute. He wore them and headed into the kitchen. He turned on the oven, and preheated it. He got out cookie dough and a large tray. He plated all the cookie dough on the tray, making sure they were exactly 5 cm away from each other and putting the tray into the oven.

All of a sudden he heard a knock on his door. No one really visits him at this time of day so he was quick surprised. He went to the door and opened it, peeking out only his head. "Hi I'm your new neighb-" the man said. And that man was Phil. Dan closed the door and left phil outside. "Thanks for the warm welcome" Phil yelled. "Not him again, you mother fucker" dan thought going back into the kitchen. "Now he's my neighbor! Thanks very fucking much universe" dan kept thinking. Phil gave up and walked back to his side of the complex. Dan heard a ding and noticed that the cookies were ready.

He reached down and opened the oven to get the tray out. He let the cookie cool for a bit on the kitchen counter whilst he turned on his laptop and searched for a movie to watch. He decided to watch 'dirty grandpa'. He went back to the kitchen and placed the cookies on his favorite pastel plate. He got the plate and walked back to the couch were he had the movie already set up. He put the plate on the coffee table and grabbed a pink blanket and wrapped the blanket around himself. Exactly when he pressed play on the movie, his phone rang. "Hello" dan said, annoyed by the phone call disturbing the movie.

"Why do you hate me" a familiar voice said. He knew it was Phil. "How the fuck do you have my number?" Dan asked, pulling the blanket up to his face. "Irrelevant. Now answer my question" Phil demandingly said. "Because you insulted me, you absolute nutter" dan rested his head on the couch's headboard. "But I apologized! I'm really sorry. I want to start over. I don't even know your name" Phil said. "Fine, but make one more dick move and you'll be out of here in a flash. Now, my name is Daniel. But you can call me Dan" Dan warned. "My name is Phil" Phil sighed happily. "Welcome neighbor" Dan ended the call. He sighed and pressed play again to start the movie.

Time: 7:00pm

Dan got up from his beauty sleep on his couch and went to his bedroom. He picked out what he's gonna wear which happened to be a pair of leather boxers, sweatpants and a hoodie. He dressed up and got his keys and phone. He walked out the door and locked the door behind him. "Oh hey, Daniel" Phil yelled from his front garden. "Shit" talk said under his breath. "Where ya goin?" Phil said as he watered some plants in the garden. "I'm going nowhere" dan replied, pulling his hood up and putting his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Okay, have fun I guess" Phil responded.

Dan arrived at the place he had to go. The gay strip club. He went into the dressing room and started preparing. He took of his hoodie but kept his sweatpants on. He went into the practicing room and chose a pole to practice on. He started his routine. He practiced and practiced until the manager called him in. He took off his sweatpants and entered into the room with about a 100 men and women waiting for him to strip. He grabbed the pole and everyone started cheering and cat calling. He licked the pole, slut dropped and started the routine. Everyone loved him and at the end of the day he walked home with about 300 pounds in his boxers.

It was a good day for dan but the next day was maybe a bit worse than the day before

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