41 part 2/2

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"Where have you been we started 30 minutes ago" Dan's friend, Antony said as Dan arrived, seeing everyone sat against the wall, watching others do their routine. "Sorry I'm late, I was with my boyfriend" Dan said, sitting down next to his friend. "Okay, up next... Antony" the manager said as she pointed to Antony. "Good luck" Dan said, smiling as his friend smiled back. "Oh, Dan.. I just noticed you arrived. I have something for you. Go change in the bathroom and see how they fit. It should be fine since you have a tiny figure" The manager said, handing Dan a black and corset, a mask, a leather collar and black booty shorts.

Dan went off to the bathroom, taking off everything and putting on what he was given. They fit pretty well on him, though the collar was too loose that it could slip off over his head. "Hey, maybe the collar is too loose" Dan called to the manager from the bathroom. She came over to Dan peeping his head out the door. "Hmm, everything looks pretty good. Turn round" She said, looking at Dan up and down. "Yep, let me go check from a smaller one" the manager said as she arranged the collar.

"Wait, Dan you got a bunch of bruises on your neck. What the hell happened?" She said, concerned. Dan blushed. "Oh, umm.. let's just say.. sexual encounters with my boyfriend for now" Dan smiled awkwardly. The manager laughed to herself. "We got a kinky one here, Howell. Do me a favor and cover the bruises with this before the show" She said as she gave Dan a tube of liquid concealer, taking the collar off him and walking away.

Dan looked back and shrugged, going back in the bathroom and putting on his comfortable clothes again. He came to the practice room again, sitting down against the wall. He continued watching Antony do his routine flawlessly until it ended. Everyone clapped as Antony got off the stage platform and sat down next to Dan. The manager explained what he's done wrong and what he could have improved on and chose her next victim.

Which ironically was Dan. Dan took off his sweatshirt and sweatpants, leaving only black hot pants. He got on the platform and began. He had one of the hardest routines any stripper could ever have. He could possibly break an arm or split his head open attempting this routine. But the manager chose Dan cause he was one of the best ones there and she knew Dan could do it. Half way through the dance and everything was going great until he had to do the hardest move he had ever done.

He took a deep breath and attempted it. He got up on the pole, doing very complicated moves until he went upside and slid. Everyone gasped as Dan catches his fall with his hands. The manager quickly turned off the music and ran next to Dan. He fell to the floor, sitting upright. "Are you okay, do you need anything?!" Antony said as he went next to Dan. "Ahh.. I-I'm okay. I just slid off the pole, my hand wasn't steady enough" Dan said as he looked at his hand, with a few layers of his skin ripped off with blood. "Just a paper towel would be enough, thanks" Dan said, holding his other hand over the scrapped off skin and blood.

Antony ran to the bathroom, getting a paper towel and coming back. "Here you go" Antony said handing the towel to Dan. Everyone else, just whispered to each other and covered their mouths over shock. "Dan, you cut your other arm as well" Antony spotted out. "Fuck.." Dan responded as he saw the enormous cut on his other arm, leaning his head back on the pole. Was it over for Dan?
Reference pic to the cut and shit at the top :D

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