-later that morning- Phil suddenly woke up, sweating from last night. He felt awful. He sat upright, looking at Dan, peacefully sleeping with the duvet covers up to his nose. Phil couldn't help but smile even though he was in a really bad state. Just knowing that every morning you're waking up next to someone you love just made Phil happy. But that didn't last long as he felt vomit, approaching his mouth.

He quickly got up, running off to the bathroom and.. doing his business. "Are you okay?" Dan suddenly said as he woke up to Phil's quick footsteps. "I'm okay-" Phil lied as he coughed up all the drink he had last night. Dan sighed to himself. He knew Phil was going to have a bad hangover. But now it's his job taking care of him. He got up, rubbing his eyes as he walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with water.

He went back to the bathroom, seeing Phil down on his knees facing the toilet. Dan was too tired to do anything involving movement so he raised his foot and tapped Phil's shoulder with his big toe. "Ugh.. flush when you're done" Dan said looking at the after math in the toilet bowl. Phil looked up at Dan, taking the glass of water out of his hands. "Thanks" Phil managed to say until he faced the toilet again.

Dan pitifully smiled as he walked back to their bedroom, going back under the duvet and trying to get some sleep. -after a few minutes- Phil walked back to their bedroom, still feeling rather horrible but better than a few minutes ago. Dan finally got some more sleep, changing positions from now and then. Phil smiled as he walked to his side of the bed, drinking some more water on his way.

He got in bed, wrapping his arm around Dan. Once Dan could feel his boyfriend's arm wrapped around his torso, he immediately cuddled up to him. "How are you feeling?" Dan mumbled lazily, his eyes still closed. "I'm alright, just a head ache. Nothing special" Phil claimed, as he gave Dan a kiss on the top of his head. "You are... such an idiot for drinking too much last night" Dan said, as he smiled to himself.

"Don't worry.. I know" Phil replied as they both laughed. "Then.. how's you're hand?" Phil asked, as he kissed Dan's neck. "It's.. alright.. I guess. Still hurts though" Dan said, cuddling up more into Phil. "Hmm.. any way I could help?" Phil asked as he tightened his grip on Dan's waist. "Nah, it's fine. But I think, you have to go take a bath again. Your vomit plus sweat doesn't spell good" Dan teased.

Phil sighed, laughing as he got out of bed yet again and went to the bathroom. Phil closed the door, as he started taking off his pajamas, discarding them to the side, switching on the tap for the bath and letting the water fill it. Suddenly the door opened as Phil was about to take off his shorts. "Can I join?" Dan said as he stood in the middle of the doorway with his arms crossed. "Sure, even you need a shower I guess" Phil said as he watched Dan close the door behind.

"Yup.. are you gonna help me or what" Dan teased, as he smirked. "You are so predictable, aren't you?" Phil said as he walked closer to Dan, slipping his hands under Dan's pastel blue shirt. "Maybe.. but now your job is to shut up, and undress me" Dan smirked as he placed his hands on Phil's hips, his fingertips hooked to the waist band of his underwear. Phil smiled, immediately taking off Dan's shirt, letting him do the same to his underwear.

A few seconds later they were both fully naked, just admiring each other. "Get in" Dan demanded as he turned round and got in the warm bath tub. Phil did the same, until they were both facing each other on either side of the tub. Dan stopped the water from running and bent forward, dunking his head in the water. He got back up, water dripping from his hair, nose and lips. He swept his hair to the side waiting for Phil to do the same as he rubbed his eyes.

Once Phil repeated after Dan, they looked each other in the eyes right after, laughing at the awkward silence. "Hand me that bottle over there" Dan said as he drained the extra water left in his hair. Phil nodded, reaching over to a pink bottle to his left. He gave it to Dan with a grin on his face. He opened the bottle and immediately dumped some on his hand. He moved closer to Phil, closing the bottle and put the handful of shampoo in Phil's hair. He scrubbed his boyfriends hair making Phil's eyes close shut.

"Hey, slow down! Haha" Phil laughed as Dan did the same. "Fine, you can do it to me" Dan said as he sat down properly. Phil took the bottle of shampoo in his hands and did the same thing, though Dan was sliding down as he laughed too hard. "You look fabulous" Phil said as he got a bit too close to Dan. "Thanks, and so do you. You like Albert Einstein after he bleached his hair" Dan giggled to himself as Phil pressed their noses together and connected their lips.

"Conditioner next?" Phil said as he unattached his lips from Dan's. "Yeah" Dan quietly said as he looked down. Phil smiled, raising Dan's chin with his finger and giving him one last kiss making Dan blush. They did the same thing with conditioner after they cleaned off the stray shampoo from their hair. A few minutes after they washed out their hair fully, they shared some jokes and stories, though Dan couldn't stop blushing from just looking at his boyfriend.

Dan drew his knees up to his chest, resting his head on his knees and wrapping his arms around his legs. "..Have I told you how much I love you" Phil said, after he saw Dan in this position. "Maybe.. but all I know is that I love you more" Dan smiled, moving closer and closer to Phil. "Alright, then.. prove it baby boy" Phil said, putting their faces very close together.

Dan smiled, leaning in completely. Pressing their lips, tounges and even teeth together. Phil's arms wrapped around  Dan's waist immediately, pulling him close. Dan knew what to do, and straddled Phil making their dicks touch. Dan grabbed Phil's shoulders with his hands, moaning to the pleasure which was going on with their lips. Water dripping down each other's foreheads and back, making it even hotter and passionate. Though it didn't last very long when Phil pulled him closer, making him bounce and bang his hurt hand with the bath tub.

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