Time: 10 am. Dan and Phil were still in bed, talking, loving each other's company and texting until Dan got a rather important phone call. "Phil, I have to take this" Dan said, trying to quiet down Phil. "Hey, mum. I haven't seen you in years until I moved out" Dan happily said as he sat up. Phil's eyes widened to the very famous word 'mum'. "It's going great actually. So how's dad?" Dan said, holding Phil's hand. "Oh.. okay. Ummm, but is he going to be alright?" Dan sweat. "Okay, thank god. Well, I hope he gets better, but he'll surely be fine when you're around" Dan said. Phil knew something was wrong so he came up behind Dan and hugged him.

"Yeah, I'm at my boyfriend's house right now, I'll visit in about.. an hour more or less" Dan said as Phil rested his head on Dan's shoulder. "Okay, see you then. Bye mum. Love you. And say hi to dad for me as well" Dan continued as he hung up. "What happened?" Phil said as he looked at Dan. Dan didn't say anything. His heart beat only went crazy. He turned to Phil hugging him tightly. Phil wrapped his hands around Dan, moving his hands up and down Dan's spine for comfort. "What's wrong? You can tell me" Phil said, pulling Dan closer to his body.

"My dad's in hospital and the doctors said that he's not gonna make it unless the operation goes as planned" Dan cried onto Phil's shoulder. "What happened to him though?" Phil said letting Dan sob as much as he wanted. "He's been diagnosed with lung disease. It's like cancer but it's less extreme. Equally as bad though" Dan said letting tears fall onto Phil's naked shoulder. "It's going to be fine, calm down. I got you" Phil tried calming Dan down, it didn't work.

"I have to go" Dan said as he unattached himself from Phil. "Don't worry Dan" Phil said as he cupped one of Dan's cheeks with his hand, wiping away the stray tear that fell. Dan smiled and placed his hand on top of Phil's. Phil pressed their lips together showing how much he loved him. "I'll see you later. Come over at my place instead" Dan said as he stood up, quickly wearing one of Phil's hoodies and his sweatpants but putting on his own shoes. "Dan what about your clothes?" Phil said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "I'll pick them up later" Dan said as he jogged up to the front door. He got out of the house closing the front door and walked it to the hospital.

It wasn't that far, only a 20-30 minute walk. And even though Dan was jogging he couldn't stop tripping over the length of Phil's sweatpants. Because Dan was a smaller human being he stopped, pulling up the hems of the pants and kept on going. He finally made it after 25 minutes of jogging. Even though he was out of breath he still called his mum to see which room he was in and where she is now. "Hi, mum... I finally.. made it to... the hospital.. so which room.. are you guys in..?" Dan said as he coughed. "Right, I'm coming now" Dan said as he hung up. He walked into the hospital, going into room 39 (where his dad was) and opening the door. He found his mum sitting down next to his dad laying in the hospital bed.

"Daniel, you made it" His mum said as she stood up giving her son an enormous hug. Dan hugged back, closing the door behind him. "You have something white, dried up on your chin, sweetie" his mum said as she pointed to the dried up cum that was left on Dan's chin. "Oh,... probably just breakfast.." Dan blushed as he scrubbed it off as quickly as possible. "Dan, come over.. here" His dad said as he couched in between words. "I'll leave you two alone" Dan's mum said as she kissed the top of Dan's head and left the room. "Hi dad, how are you?" Dan said as he sat down on the empty seat next to his dad. "I'm fine.." he coughed. "You don't look fine" Dan said as he held his fathers hand.

"I am.. but let me just tell you this Daniel. Your mother and I did the right thing to adopt you. I remember everything. You were just a little boy, very skinny like you are now, and you were so talented. Dancing for money which was actually a genius idea. But just remember that I am so proud of you" his dad said as he smiled. "Thanks Padre. And you were the best dad someone could ever have" Dan said. His dad's other hand ruffled into Dan's hair making him laugh and remember the good old days. "So, do you have a boyfriend now?" His dad asked. "Yeah, I was actually at his house right now. His name is Phil and I love him a lot" Dan said as he smiled to himself.

"Wonderful, do you have a picture?" His dad said. Dan nodded. He took out his phone and scrolled through all his pictures. "That's him" Dan said as he showed him this picture.

"He looks like a very charming young man" His dad said as he smiled

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"He looks like a very charming young man" His dad said as he smiled.

Hey guys ^^
Sorry that this chapter was uploaded late but I had the whole day planned and it's been a bit difficult to write the chapter. So hope you guys like the chapter so far. Next chapter will be a twist of sorts suggested by my fellow reader and 'friend' lilmartindale23 . I'll talk about that lovely person and the person's phanfics in the next chapter. (Their really good phanfics) until next time.. bai <3

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