-12 days after- "hey, Danny" Phil said as he went into their bedroom. Dan was sat on the bed, watching 'the great British bake off". "Hey.. Phil. You sound extremely happy, what happened?" Dan said as he made space for Phil to sit next to him. "Because, it's the the last day before D day. And you know what the D stands for" Phil said as he sat down, and cupped Dan's cheeks with his hands, attaching his lips to Dan's. "I know what the D stands for" Dan said as he giggled. "Exactly, so you better be ready for big daddy" Phil joked as he toppled over Dan. Dan laughed as Phil made funny monster noises.

Phil lifted up Dan's shirt, connecting his lips to Dan's stomach, making fart noises. "Haha stop it!" Dan laughed as he gripped Phil's hair with his hand. "I will never! The tickle monster is here to stay" Phil joked as he kept on tickling Dan's sides. Phil looked up at Dan and smiled, attaching his lips onto Dan's neck, sucking it. "Hah is the love bite monster here as well?" Dan said as he threw his head backwards, making space for Phil's head. "Yeah, it got here a few days ago actually" Phil teased as he looked up at Dan and pressed their lips together. "We are so immature" Dan laughed as he unattached his lips from Phil's.

"Have I ever told you that I love your laugh and your smile" Phil said as he looked into Dan's eyes. "And have I ever told you that I love everything about you" Dan said as he smiled. "I love everything about you as well, including your ass" Phil said as Dan chuckled. "I also love that you can make anything from romantic to sexual and inappropriate" Dan said as he pressed their noses together. "Thanks, it's a gift. And I also love that your ass can be all mine tomorrow. And I can do whatever the fuck I want to it" Phil said as he continued kissing Dan's neck.

"Just don't spank me, that shit hurts" Dan said, giggling at the end of the sentence.

Hi guys^^
This was just a small chapter. I have nothing to do so I decided to just write some fluff. Next chapter will be smut so for people who are not on the same band wagon, you can skip it or at least see the first part and leave. I'll write a warning dw. Until next time lads bai <3

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