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"No.. continue..." Dan said, as he cupped Phil's cheek and smashed their lips together.

Dan pulled back after a long while. He took his hand off of Phil and felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He reached over to it as he saw the caller ID. Tyler was calling. "I have to take this" Dan said as Phil understood and nodded in agreement. 

"..Hello." Dan started. "Babe, are you okay?! You haven't been home for more than 3 hours, and I'm getting worried.." Phil could hear Tyler scream in worriedness through the phone. "Yeah I know, Tyler. I'm okay. I was just walking back home, I'll be there soon, don't worry" Dan stood up. 

"Alright, if anything happens you can call me. See you then.." Tyler said, ending the call. "He cares about you, doesn't he?" Phil said as he walked closer to Dan. "I guess so, but I have to go" Dan said moving in front of Phil. "Alright, have fun with Tyler. He's a great guy, trust me" Phil said, as he crossed his arms. 

"Thanks for everything.. Oh, and you forgot one thing... Keep it.. for me, please.." Dan said, as he grabbed Phil's hand an opened his palm to place the ring he'd thrown out of anger. They smiled at each as Phil nodded, seeing Dan leave. 

"Wait, Dan... Sorry, for punching you" Phil said, as Dan turned round, still with the door handle in his hand. "It's fine, I deserve it. I know I can be a dick most of the time.." Dan smiled as Phil chuckled. He closed the door and made his way back home to Tyler, as Phil contemplated his relationship status. 

"Fucking finally, you had me so worried" Tyler said as he hugged Dan who just got in the house. "Holy shit, what happened to your cheek?!" Tyler said, pulling back from the hug. "I just tripped and fell face first on a rock whilst walking. Not a big deal" Dan said as he cupped both of Tyler's cheeks and pecked his lips right after speaking. "Are you sure? It doesn't look that good.." Tyler worried as he grabbed Dan's wrists and pulled them down from near his face. 

"I'm okay, I promise. Now are you just going to stand there or are we gonna do something bad.." Dan raised his eyebrow as he winked. Tyler looked down chuckling as he looked back up with bedroom eyes, biting his bottom lip. 

Dan's POV

Once he gave me that look, he immediately run to the bedroom and close the door behind us, locking it. I thought that when we started, it would be kind of slow and calm but, shit, was I wrong. 

At full force, Tyler's lips smashed themselves into mine as I tugged at his hair. He took off my jacket as I raised my arms for him to take off my pastel blue shirt. He did so, and it was my turn to take his off. 

Once our shirts were out of the way, He picked me up by ass, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We continued kissing as he dropped me on the bed, climbing on top of me. 

I couldn't think that moment. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn't process. Our shirts were ripped off of us in moments and now our pants are going away in seconds! "If you hurt or anything, don't be scared to tell me" Tyler warned as he was tugging and pulling at my ripped jeans.

I nodded as I started unbuttoning his. Once he successfully pulled my jeans down, along with my underwear which stopped at my knees, I pulled his sweatpants down as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. 

He put our lips back together and tugged at his own underwear as he pulled them down. He started rubbing himself against me, making me turned on even more. Moments later and he went in without warning. My back arched upwards and I whined to the pleasure. 

My eyes opened up in a flash as I dug my fingernails into his back. From the sudden 'put in' I got deja vu. I felt this exact feeling when I was having sex with Phil for the last time. Tyler moved down to my neck and chest as he went rougher and harder. 

All I could think of was Phil, I couldn't get my mind out of that thought. I tried to clear my head, and make Tyler the bigger person in this situation but I couldn't. I played around with his rhythm and faked a few orgasms.

The actual intercourse wasn't bad at all, it was actually one of the best I've ever had, but just the thought of that stupid black hair and those idiotic ocean blue eyes, messed it all up. It took Tyler only a few seconds to cum but it took me 2 to 3 minutes to do the same. 

He panted in my ear, feeling his hot breath on the side of my face. My chest was going up and down as he toppled down next to me, completely out of breath. I looked at the ceiling, starting to forget about the one who left and regained focus on the one who is with me right now. 

He sat upright, just to get the duvet and place it over both of us. "What's wrong?" Tyler asked, as he looked at me, still panting with sweat dripping down his forehead. "Nothings wrong. Just tired, that's all" I lied. He nodded as he kissed me one last time before wrapping his hand round my midriff and snuggling his head in the crook of my neck. 

Maybe Phil was right.. fuck,.. he's always right. I am a slut. All I am is a self absorbed whore who wants nothing but sex and attention. That's what I am. Ugh.. how the hell am I gonna tell him that I was at Phil's house the whole time. And that he punched me but took care of me right after. How can I tell him that we kissed and that I continued...  

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