-after yesterday, where they went stargazing and Phil gave Dan the ring, they bought went home and had a good nights sleep cuddled up very close together. Now it's the morning :)– "Good morning" Phil said quietly from the kitchen as he saw Dan coming down the stairs. "Hey.. what are you doing?" Dan yawned as he stretched out his hands. "Pancakes. How many do you want?" Phil smiled as he got out two plates from the cabinet above him. "Umm.. three" Dan lazily said as he came up behind Phil, wrapping his arms round his torso and resting his head on the top part of his back.

"Hungry, are we. Hah, and you still got that ring on?" Phil chuckled as he looked down at Dan's hands on his waist. "Yeah, I slept with it on. I'm never taking this off" Dan said, kissing Phil's back as he tightened his grip. "Hmm, we'll see about that when you have your operation tomorrow" Phil said as he placed the last pancake on his plate. "Ugh, I totally forgot about that. Phil, I don't want to do it. I'd rather stay with a broken hand then have an operation" Dan whined as he let go of Phil.

"God, you whine... Dan you're going to be fine. Their professionals, they won't kill you. But if something goes wrong and they do, I'll die with you" Phil said, as he turned back to Dan. "Thanks for the moral support. Really helping my self esteem" Dan sarcastically said as he sat down at the table. "You're welcome" Phil smiled as he grabbed the two plates of pancakes, placing each one on either side of the table. Dan giggled to himself as he looked at his boyfriend, digging in to a plate of pancakes. "Are you gonna eat?" Phil asked, food dripping down his mouth. "Yeah, but can you stay next to me than across me" Dan said, smiling a bit. Phil nodded as he grabbed his plate and moved next to Dan. "Now will you eat?" Phil asked, as he looked down at Dan. "Yeah, but you srsly need to stop spitting everywhere. It's disgusting" Dan laughed as he looked down at his plate.

"Only if you give me a kiss" Phil said, moving closer to Dan, food still dribbling out from his mouth. Dan moved backwards, laughing at Phil as he blocked him with his hands and feet. Phil swallowed down the pancakes as he grabbed Dans thighs, placed himself in between them. "You're gonna get it all over me" Dan giggled, as he grabbed Phil's wrists. "I'm not, promise" Phil said as he kissed Dan's neck, nibbling down on the sweet spots. "You look so hot right now" Phil mumbled between Dan's skin, picking him up. "Just do it already" Dan said, as Phil smirked and walked off to their bedroom.

Hi guys ^^
Kinda short chapter. I don't have a life so I wrote this. Until next time lads bai <3

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