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"I decided on.. being with both of you" Dan said. "Both of us.. w-what do you mean?" Phil said, slightly confused. "I'll stay with Tyler and with you too. We wont tell Tyler... I couldn't pick, Phil, I really couldn't" Dan said as he moved closer to Phil. 

"Right..so how is this gonna work?" Phil asked. "I stay with Tyler and sometimes I'll stay with you... you said so yourself that you're fine with threesomes.." Dan smirked as he rested his head on Phil's shoulder. "Yeah, but when we're having sex. That's just cheating.." Phil said. 

Dan sighed and rolled his eyes. He immediately pressed his lips with Phil's and cupped his cheeks. Whilst they were kissing, Dan moved until he was straddling Phil with Phil's hands wrapped around Dan's waist. Phil unattached his lips from Dan's as he removed his hands from his waist.

"Ugh.... no.., you cant do this to either of us. I know its tough but you have to choose. It's either me and break up with Tyler or Tyler and we become friends.." Phil sighed as he looked down. Dan tried to speak but no words came out. Phil immediately but slowly moved Dan off him as he stood up and walked to his bedroom. Phil went to the drawer and picked out a very light  brown-ish beige knitted sweater. 

He waked back to Dan as he grabbed his shirt from the floor. "This is your shirt and your own sweater. You placed it in my suitcase when I left. I hope it still fits" Phil said, placing the clothes down onto the couch next to Dan. Dan looked at the sweater which was his and smiled as Phil left off to the kitchen. 

Dan put on his shirt and sweater along with socks. He stood up and walked over to the front door to put on his white converse. Suddenly Phil came out of the kitchen again and walked over to the couch, as he put on a loose tank top with was laid messily on the headboard. Dan looked at Phil and just saw him walking over to him. 

"Leaving?.." Phil asked. "Yeah.. Tyler's probably worried so I should get going-" Dan said as Phil immediately hugged him. "I thought we were just friends for now" Dan said, slightly shocked. "Who said friends can't hug?" Phil said as he looked into Dan's eyes. 

Dan sighed as they both chuckled. Dan opened the door and stepped outside and he said his goodbyes and left. Once he got home he opened the door and took off his shoes as he closed the door behind him. "Anyone home...?" Dan said, as he couldn't hear anyone roaming around in the house. 

"I'm over here, Dan.." a faint voice, coming from the bedroom said. Dan walked to his room and saw Tyler sitting on the bed with a phone in his hands. "Hey.." Dan hesitantly said. "Hey, I missed you" Tyler said as he stood up and kissed Dan. "Me too.." Dan said. "So, how is your mum?" Tyler asked as he switched of his phone. 

"She's alright.. just needed me that time. How are you?" Dan said, faking a smile. "I'm fine.. and Phil told me how you got the bruise and don't worry, I wont kill him. It's okay" Tyler said, smiling back as he held Dan's hand. "Oh, alright. Umm... I'm just going to do some stuff then I have to go work early" Dan quickly changed subject. 

"Okay but, when I went to Phil's house the shirt you're wearing was on his floor and he has a hickey on his neck... Where you at his house and you're lying to me right now.." Tyler said, suddenly getting very serious as he crossed his arms. Dan froze and looked down. "No.. I wasn't at Phil's house. And, yes, I gave I did give him this exact shirt as a present... The hickey on the other hand, I have no idea, okay" Dan said, trying to keep his chill. 

"It sounds ironic, doesn't it. Dan, I'm sorry I don't believe you" Tyler crossed his arms. ".....f-fine, I had sex with Phil and I lied to you, I'm sorry-" Dan got stopped. "I fucking knew it. Phil is right, you are a slut. I honestly feel even more sorry for Phil for being stuck in between this whole relationship" Tyler said, getting angry. 

"Tyler, no I love you both and I cant decide-" Dan grabbed Tyler's hand. Tyler quickly and roughly took Dan's hand off of his and looked down. "No, don't start getting all emotional with me. You had a chance with me and you fucked it up. Phil did nothing wrong cause, honestly, who wouldn't be mad and angry at this situation. This whole thing is all because of you!" Tyler shouting, loosing his shit immediately. 

"You're right, okay, you are, but I don't want to end this relationship because you mean a lot to me. Just imagine being in my shoes; the person you loved had gone away so you find someone else but then they come back and you're just stuck in the middle" Dan said back, tearing up. 

"ugh... I'm gonna give you a second chance cause I have to admit that it's difficult for both of us and I still want you, but if you fuck that second chance up again we're over. Deal? I cant keep running after you" Tyler said, crossing his arms. "...deal" Dan said, hugging Tyler as he hugged back, unwillingly. 

After a long day they were both in bed, about to close their eyes and wake up again with a day to look forward to. Tyler's eyes were still open as he thought about the incident over and over again in his head. Dan looked over to him and sighed, wrapping an arm around his torso, but to be immediately swatted away by Tyler's hand. 

"Tyler...-" Dan started. "-Shut up. I'm still not over what happened, so you can forget the kissing and hugging for now...think of it as your punishment for being a complete asshole and try to learn not to play with people's emotions. And also learn to use your brain instead of your body." Tyler ended, shifting himself further away from Dan. 

Dan turned away and faced the other side. "I'm sorry" he lastly said before closing his eyes. 

"I know. You always are.." 

You Look Good From The Waist Down (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon