78) Void World: Shattered Souls

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Title: Void World: Shattered Souls
Author: SanjeevanPaul
What is 'Void World: Shattered Souls'?
           - It is an adventure with elements of Science and the Supernatural.


- Try not to use '&' over 'and' because it makes for quite sloppy writing
- Watch your typos, sometimes you accidentally put the speechmark too far over and leave a space between the mark and the first word. For example, 'walked up to his cell,"  Get ready...' 
- Don't be afraid to use complex sentences every once in a while
- Typos and grammar issues - 'Demion didn't response'
- Tenses - remember to be consistent
- This might be something silly but can the reader have pointers on how to say some of the characters' names...? Haha, thanks.
- An ellipsis is three dots. Only use three dots...any more is excessive and unnecessary.

Dayummmmm sonnnnnnnn! That opening doe... For realllllll. It was eye catching to begin with, let alone after the main character says their head has been chopped off! Absolutely mad but totally gripping. The story carries a sense of harsh treatment from the onset and the reader sorta struggles with who they want to cheer on but then the spellcasting and then everything else just hooks the reader in even more! Mystery, thrills, horror, the supernatural, adventure, science-fiction - if you love these, you'll love this.


'Demion had always been an outcast to the world. He didn't belong anywhere. Not human... nor anything else. In short, the world has always rejected him. Always wanted his existence to cease. So...he also ended up rejecting the world. But now he has to fight, to protect that very mundane world. He wonders...why?'

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