26) Land of the Messiah

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Title: Land of the Messiah
Author: ooblivioon
What is 'Land of the Messiah'?
     - It's well... It's a fantasy/adventure that begins to slowly unravel when Serena Lockwood and Reyelle Furrows go into a tree, that they really should've stayed away from.

Rating -

       There are some punctuation mistakes and capital mistakes. One common mistake is putting the comma outside of the speech marks, for example, saying -
"Hi", my dry throat causes my voice to sound raspy
 --instead of--
"Hi," my dry throat causes my voice to sound raspy.
There are quite a few mistakes, though.

Review -
        'Land of the Messiah' is a good story, with a complicated plot and developed characters. The punctuation and grammar let it down, but there seems to be no noticeable plot holes, and the characters are likeable, relatable, and almost addictive. The writing style used is quite skilled, with a current tense throughout, and the language used (particularly in 'Anything Can Happen') makes the reader feel empathetic and even sympathetic towards the characters of Serena and Reyelle.

Do I recommended 'Land of the Messiah'?
          -Yes! It's perfect for those looking for a fantasy/adventure/mystery. I even sense quite a bit of action within the mission, and especially romance with Damien being involved!

Fancy checking it out?
It's right here on these pages -
DarlingDisgrace and ooblivioon

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