25) Pluto

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Title: Pluto
Author: CallMeMsFancy
What is 'Pluto'?
        'Pluto' is a story about a girl who is 'the last of them'...?
But what could that possibly mean?
Well, Pluto is about a girl who has a best friend whose name also starts with 'A', and manages to become part of a larger story.

Rating -

       Not Requested.

Review -
          'Pluto' is inspiring and has a beautiful plot with matching events. The story of a young girl finding out who she is and doing everything in her power to help others and set things right is always very inspiring, and that's exactly what Pluto can be seen as. The punctuation, smelling, and capitals let the story down, but if it can be looked over - then Pluto is a beautiful story. The characters are partially developed and the tense is mostly current throughout.

Do I recommend 'Pluto'?
    - If you're looking for an inspiring story of a young lady becoming a woman, after finding out that she has her work cut out for her, then Pluto is the story for you - as long as you do not have OCD or Grammar Pedantry Syndrome.

It's on the list, people!

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