46) The Last Philosopher

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Title: The Last Philosopher
Author: NickfEast
What is 'The Last Philosopher'?
- it is an incredibly intriguing, built-up fantasy that is ongoing and currently being edited/updated, with many parts!


- Careful on your use of punctuation!
- The sentences can get really complex at some points, so just be careful not to lose track of where you are and what you're talking about.
- Take your commentator's advice - they're all commenting in your best interest to help you out, so when you really have the time, go and read all of the comments from people trying to help and heed their advice.
- Breaks in the sentences aren't really used as frequently as they could be. This isn't really a major issue but just a little something that you could try and develop.

'The Last Philosopher' is seriously interesting. It starts somewhere completely different to where you can see it going, because it just continuously develops and relapses to recount its points if the story has drifted into talking about other things. In my experience, many of the best stories do that and do it well. The details of the atmosphere and the new normal are really clearly demonstrated and the descriptions, especially of people, come across really well. If you enjoy anything sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, adventure, I think it's definitely something you'd find yourself easily aligning with and taking a liking to. Not only that, but it's got a lot of parts and is really well written! Ideal for all of those binge-readers out there!


Before there was everything there was apparently nothing. However, what if the difference between nothing and everything, was in the idea of how little one cared?

The oldest sorcerer in Empris has been having devastating nightmares, which may be heralding more than he's thinks. In a worst-case scenario it might even force him into taking action. So far, he has opted for insomnia, a tactic befitting the avoidance strategy of his magick school. Their unofficial motto being, "If there's a problem, someone else can fix it, or just ignore it until it goes away."

Still, with nothing and everything coming into a head-on collision avoidance may not be enough, but what if that is all one has to give.

Do I recommend?
 - Absolutely. This is 100% a book all sci-fi/fantasy and more lovers can find themselves sinking into.

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