32) The Wrongs He Made Right

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Title: The Wrongs He Made Right
Author: DarkWolf13
What is 'The Wrongs He Made Right'?
'The Wrongs He Made Right' is an edgy story about a boy who has made many mistakes, many times but when push comes to shove, he is thrown into a situation where he must undo all of his past crimes in order to finally live a life of his own desire.

Rating -
(I found this very difficult to rate, but in a good way. 'The Wrongs He Made Right' was definitely above an 8/10 but I couldn't quite persuade myself that it was at a solid nine just yet, but it's so close!)

• Some words could do with swapping around in order to make the sentence flow a bit more, but this is less than five times per chapter which is a pretty decent thing.
      • There's quite a few tense changes when you've put the apostrophe and the letter 's' ('s) and meant it to say 'was' etc. Just be cautious of these and if you notice when re-editing/editing, make the effort to correct or add to them.
      • Consider making more comments within the story that imply past struggles with Elijah. For example, (Spoiler Alert!) when he talks of the woman's eyes in the first chapter when he's feeling guilty for his own actions towards her, you could have some alluding sentences that suggest further past struggles. Just little things that hint to similar actions and struggles that he's already been through to show he's plagued and weighed down by his past, but in a way that he tries to hide it as much as possible, so these sentences should be brief and allusive. You do this a little already, but it can be expanded. For example, when discussing the rape in chapter two, one may perceive that Elijah's reaction suggests he's had difficulty with domestic abuse and such crimes in the past - experiences that mean rape is a personal issue to him.
        • Try to stay consistent in your capitalisation after speech. For example, '"Hey!" He yelled' has a capital on 'he' which is fine, as long as other similar situations are the same, but in previous chapters, such examples are not capitalised. I.e. '"So what do I do next?" he asked' does not have the 'he' capitalised after the punctuation.

Review -
This story carries so much potential that the roof practically shakes. The first chapter really pulls the reader in whilst also dividing them into the dilemma of whether we actually like the character or not. There's so much conflicting emotion throughout that it really awakens the reader to empathy and understanding. The first chapter itself is gripping and almost deeply frightening. The use of vocabulary in description and general is swift and really complimentary to the author's style of writing. The contrast portrayed really splits the reader in two and forces them to make a judgement based on not just the story, but their own personality, so the reader's own experiences really contributes to whether they can forgive the main characters and root for them or not. The only hitches are small and indirect, things that most readers would often miss (you should still change them though!). The thought tracking of the characters is really insightful and useful - you can practically imagine the cogs spinning in their heads. The story really opens doors into the reader's minds and each time someone is hurt, it gives the reader that little bit more of a perspective. It's a great read that combines a great style of writing with a dramatic and edgy plot.

Book Blurb:
After being captured and stripped of his dignity, "high-level thug" Elijah Clifton is offered a special deal. He must fix all he's done wrong, including everything kept in his hidden journal which details all his dark crimes, by the end of the year; Or let himself be turned in, and face a staggering amount of criminal charges. Given an opportunity to finally live a normal life instead of a criminal, Elijah takes this deal. Though the long journey will be anything but easy.

- Hell to the yes! This is one of those stories that I could definitely see myself returning to in the future to re-read and give myself more time to appreciate.

Want to follow this advice and check it out? 'The Wrongs He Made Right' can now be found on the reviewed books list, or on DarkWolf13 's profile.

Happy reading!

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