5) Inner Demons

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Note - Sadly, this story has also seemingly been removed and the author has changed their name.

Title; Inner Demons
Author; swearbears
What is 'Inner Demons'?
-Inner Demons is a wonderful story about a boy who thinks that he's schizophrenic...but the question is...are the voices really in his head? Or standing right over him?

thatTJgirl 's opinion;

thatTJgirl 's EBI-
Some words need changing around or adding. For example, part one of the second paragraph on the second line 'what it was about', would sound better as 'what it was about despite.' There are a few missing apostrophes also, for example, some places you put 'its' where it should be 'it's'. Considering the tenses, maybe you should just go back over the chapters and decide what tense works better with your story.

Review by thatTJgirl -
Inner Demons has a great start. The description is really good- it makes the reader feel like they're right there. The main character is really realistic and you have a really good understanding of what is going on with him. The more you read, the more questions you form about it and what's really happening- what's true and what's his imagination. Very intriguing story.

Does thatTJgirl recommend Inner Demons? She says...
-most definitely because as soon as you start to read it, you can't stop because of the curiosity of what's going to happen next.

My opinion (DarlingDisgrace.)

Some punctuation is lacking or misplaced- easily fixed. Watch your tenses and typos- but other than that, it's great!

It's eerie and creepy and absolutely chilling at times! This story is perfect for those looking for some chills and mysterious encounters! Really well thought out with a good main character that relates to the readers! Well done!
Also, the cover is absolutely brilliant! They look seriously professional and k expected to go on there and see that it had like 1M reads!

Do I recommend this story?
-yes, I certainly do.

Fancy checking it out?
It's on my reviewed book library!

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