87) The First Born

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Title: The First Born
Author: AryaGrimm
What is 'The First Born'?
         It's a fan fiction, action, mystery... It's a dream come true, overall!

           'The First Born'   is an exciting crossover between Supernatural and Once Upon A Time with references towards Grimm, Game of Thrones and Dexter. The first chapter literally gave me chills, it was too easy to be scared by what was going on. I was definitely hooked, and so surprised for it to end so shortly! But I didn't stress, for I knew chapter two was only a click away, and then there was chapter three...and so on, and so on! The dreams and tense changes are great - the perspective, the narrator asking if they're being chased or chasing someone else, is done really skillfully and intricately - the thought tracking is realistic and gives partial insights into how the situation is unfolding. The character becomes a sort of friend and person to rely on, where the reader becomes dependent on the emotion and events that are waiting to develop. It's pretty difficult to convey the awesomeness of this story in a review without becoming a complete fangirl, to be honest, but I can tell you one thing - there is no way I wouldn't  return to this story. I'm a complete lover of Grimm and reading a story like this is just a total dream, and I haven't even seen Once Upon A Time, Game of Thrones or Supernatural (they're to be binge watched after) but Dexter is my obsession as background TV for writing these reviews, funnily enough, so this story just became a dream on a wonderous level.

Despite the difficult tense, it's the most effective one for the story and manages to stay constant - up and over standards. The descriptions, the thoughts and feelings, the analysis of the crimes and the constant links and ties, are all not only fantastic, but show a certain higher intelligence that appeals to the best of readers.

Do I recommend this story?
         Well, if I didn't, I'd be deemed insane. Or at least, I hope.

Will The First Born be your new obsession? Go find out, lucky guys and gyals!

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