60) Era of Greed

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Title: Era of Greed
Author: GreySupremacy
What is 'Era of Greed'?
Era of Greed is a story about Farren, a witch, who has big decisions to make and weights to pull after a huge event strikes her home, leaving her scrambling for power to keep herself and her loved ones safe.

Rating -

- Watch your tenses. It's only in small places, for example, 'I need to get up', 'I needed to get up' (Spryo's fight) but just keep an eye
- Pay attention to your comments...other people have commented on mistakes but the mistakes haven't yet been fixed
- Develop more on the male characters i.e. Cyril, Craig and Nestor. You talk a lot about Kaiser and the twins, but less so on Cyril/Craig etc. however, the description of Cyril is lovely, so don't be afraid to keep reference to it. For example, when Poppy sees him again, you could take the opportunity to talk about if he's changed since her death (SPOILER ALERT) and if so, how, or how he hasn't changed and how this makes Poppy feels
- I didn't even realise Poppy was dead until halfway through the third chapter! I'm not sure if this was just me or what, but when she was speaking about how she didn't appreciate being alive, I thought she was talking about before she was awakened!
- Sometimes you put apostrophes in places where they shouldn't be... For example, 'area's' when it's plural not possessive or capping an 'is' so shouldn't be there as much
- Proof read for sentence flow! For example, writing 'I would probably' instead of 'Probably I would' (Spyro thinking about getting Cleo's number) sounds more flow-y.

Review -
'Era of Greed' is simply enthralling and perfectly refreshing. It is the perfect sublimation of supernatural stories. The use of different perspectives is brilliant and the plot is absolutely flawless - it's so complex, original and new that it completely engages the reader and seriously hooks them on. The characters are so likeable, especially Poppy, that seeing life through her perspective is even tearful (almost cried just in Chapter Three :( ). The language is emotive but most of all - it's effective. The descriptions, for example, of the meeting in Chapter One, straight away is completely on point and you can really visualise the aesthetics of what's going on. The story begins spiralling perfectly out of control right from the start, but in such a specific and meaningful way that you know this story is going to be a huge, worthy journey to take. It's lovely to see each character develop and learn more and more about them in each chapter, each paragraph exposing something the reader didn't know they were dying to know. It's one of those stories that supernatural lovers are not able to put down.

- This story to a lover of the supernatural is like water to an animal. You'd be at a serious loss not reading it, especially if witches, werewolves, nymphs, vampires and conflicts are your passion.

Wishing you happiness with every word <3

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