"Dad, I can't keep Louis awake." Niall called knowing it was nearly dinner time. "Just poke him in the side very gently." Harry called back and Niall nodded even though he knew Harry couldn't see him. Louis whined as he was poked and swatted Niall's hand away causing Niall to yelp as Louis swatted quite hard. "Ow, Louis that hurt." Niall said and Louis just shrugged as he wanted to sleep. Niall's yelp alerted Harry though who came into the room. "What's going on?" Harry said." Louis hit me when I poked him." Niall complained. "Louis is that true, you know we don't hit." Harry said "I didn't I moved his hand as he was poking me." Louis whined getting off Niall's lap and curling in on himself on the other side of the sofa. "No Lou no sleeping dinner and milkshake first" Harry said. "No sleep" Louis said as he lay down and shut his eye's. Harry sighed but left him.

Soon dinner was ready and Harry called Niall in deciding to leave Louis for now. They are dinner and Louis cane in dragging his blankie as they were eating. "What's wrong Lou?" Harry asked. "Cuddle." Louis whined and Harry sighed. "Lou I'm eating Love." Harry said and Louis huffed. "Where's Papa?" Louis asked as he sulked over to an empty chair. "He's working love but he'll be home in the morning." Harry said. "But want Papa now." Louis stated and Harry sighed. Louis got like this when he was tired. Harry shook his head and sat the boy on his lap while he finished eating.

It was to difficult so Harry decided to put the boy to bed and then finish his dinner. "No bed, want Papa." Louis cried when he realised he was going to bed. "Lou papa won't be home till much later not even Niall will see him before he goes to bed." Harry said as they reached the room. "But want cuddle with Papa." Louis sniffled and Harry rubbed the boys back. "Tomorrow morning I'm sure papa will give you all the cuddles you want." Harry explained as he led down on Louis' bed and cuddled with the boy. Harry read Louis a story and made sure he was cuddling his blankie, lion and sheep. The boy was soon fast asleep even though he tried to fight it.

When Louis was asleep Harry carefully got up and headed downstairs where Niall was watching cartoons. "Ni Love can you go shower and then you can come back down for a bit." Harry said and Niall nodded before heading upstairs. When Niall was gone Harry went back into the kitchen and warmed up his dinner eating it while he had the chance. Harry finished eating his dinner.

Niall showered and once he was dried and dressed he came downstairs to watch tv with his dad who had finished dinner. Niall and Harry cuddled and it wasn't long until Harry felt Niall lean completely into him and when he looked over he saw the boy had fallen asleep. Smiling Harry picked him up and carried him to bed tucking him in before quietly leaving. Harry then went back downstairs to watch TV and wait for Liam to come home. Liam got home around ten. Harry was struggling to keep his eyes open. Liam had to laugh as he walked in. The pair cuddled for a while heading to bed.

The next morning they got Niall ready for school. Harry had work till 11 as Louis appointment was half 11. Harry took Niall to school. When Louis woke up he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his blankie before walking downstairs slowly. "Hey Lou." Liam said from his place on the sofa as Louis walked In. "Papa." Louis said quickly climbing onto the sofa and cuddling Liam. "I heard from daddy that someone missed me last night." "Missed papa lots." Louis mumbled. "I gave you a kiss when I got home from work last night but someone was fast asleep, shall we go and have some toast or coco pops" Liam said.

"No papa, not hungry." Louis mumbled. "Lou daddy said you didn't eat dinner last night as you were too tired, so you need to eat now baby." Liam said picking Louis up and taking him into the kitchen. Liam decided to try the boy with coco pops. "No papa." Louis whined and Liam sighed. "5 mouthfuls plus you love coco pops." Liam said knowing that was probably pushing his luck. Louis sighed but did allow Liam to start feeding him. Louis had four mouthfuls but spat the last mouthful out. Liam sighed and wiped the boys mouth. Having a feeling he did have reflux.

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