(Eun's gotten so angry he grabbed Soondeok's wrist and wants to leave the room, but Soondeok pulls her wrist away and kneels on the floor towards Eun's grandpa)

Soondeok: 'Grandpa...I have...I have something to tell you...'

Grandpa: 'Go ahead! What is it you want? I can buy you anything you want, my dear! Anything!'

Eun: 'Deok ah, come out with me, you don't need to talk to him.'

Soondeok: 'I can't have children, grandpa.'

(Silence. The smile on the old man's face slowly melts away.)

Grandpa: 'What...what do you mean, dear?'

Eun: 'Soondeok ah! Get up now, get up!'

Soondeok: 'I-'

Eun: 'Ya! Park Soondeok!'

(Soondeok turns to look at her husband)

Soondeok: 'I don't want to lie, Oppa...'

(She turns to the old man again)

Soondeok: 'Your Excellency...I...I can't have children, you see...I'm sorry. I know you've promised the prince one year...with hope that I'll give you the grandchild you've always wanted. But...Your Excellency, I'm afraid...it'll never happen.'

Eun: 'Deok ah...'

Grandpa: 'W...why can't you?'

Soondeok: 'I have this illness, Your Excellency, and in order to stay alive, I must take such medicine which will in turn...make me...childless. My apologies...'

Grandpa: 'E...Eun ah...is it true? You knew all along and you still...'

Eun: 'Grandpa, it's not that, it's just-'

Grandpa: 'Shut it you fool! And I trusted you...I trusted you!'

Soondeok: 'Your...Excellency, it's all my fault, please don't get mad at the prince. I'm willing to do whatever I can to mend this. Even if...you have him sleep with another woman, I'm fine with that, Your Excellency.'

Eun: 'That's it, that's enough! Soondeok, you're coming with me!'

(Eun pulls Soondeok out of the room to his secret library)

'WHY DID YOU DO THAT? Why? Why did you have to tell him?'

'I don't want to lie, Oppa...I won't want to keep pretending...'

'Then have you thought about me? All this time I've been trying to protect you and now it comes down to nothing! NOTHING!'

'Oppa...how can I lie to him? How can I keep giving him hope that I'll give him a grandchild when in fact...that'll never happen? I really can't do it, Oppa, I can't. My conscience won't let me...'

'Not telling him is not lying, Deok ah!'

'Then, suppose 1 year later, what will you say? The result will be just the same, Oppa!'

'Still, can't you at least talk to me first before you let it all out? Now, there's no turning back! And what you've just said, you know how painful it was to hear those words from you? That you're fine with me sleeping with another woman, well honey, I'm here to tell you, I'M NOT FINE WITH THAT!'

'I...I'm sorry...'

'Sorry doesn't change anything now, does it? Thanks to you and your conscience, he might actually force me to do just that! Are you happy now?'


'Aish...of all the times, why does he have to come now? I hope he'll just die! Aish!'

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now