I was going to go back to school, and I wanted everyhting to go back to normal. Like none of this was happening.

"Are you sure you want to do this Sah'nai? Chemo can help alot, you just have to give it time Sweetheart." My mom tried persuading me again, for about the fifth time today.

"No mom. I just want everything to go back to normal. Just because I'm dying doesn't mean that I can't live my life." I said as I finished packing the rest of my things.

"It can't go back to normal!" My mom yelled, crying once again.

"Alana, if this is what Sah'nai wants to do, then we can't stop her. We have to let her live her life the way she wants to." My dad tried reasoning with my mom again.

"What life?" She was hysterical now.

"That's not fair mom!" I was crying now.

She was making it seem like I wanted this. Like I asked to die! All I wanted to do was for me to live the last couple months of my life like none of this was happpening. And to have her throw that in my face hurt. It hurt alot. I wanted my happy family back. All they ever did now was cry and feel sorry for me. I wanted to go back to school, and get the rest of the education that I can while I have the time. Instead all the people at school did was send cards and balloons with my brother and sister. And to be honest I was tired of it. Tired of everyone feeling sorry for me.

"Alana!" yelled my father as he pulled me into his arms, wiping away my tears. "She didn't want this as much as you don't want her to have it. Your making her feel worse than she already does. And it's not helping. So pull yourself together for her NOW!"

My mom nodded.

"Now lets go," said my dad as he grabbed my bag, and some of the cards while my mom grabbed the rest.

We walked out of the hospital room to the elevator, and outside to my parents car.

The ride home was pretty much uneventful, though my mom did stop crying and pretended as if everything was okay, as I requested. My dad was quiet and smiled my way a few times as I sung along to the songs on the radio, my long caramel brown hair flowing in the wind out of the car window.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Yes Sah'nai?"

"Do you think I will start losing my hair soon?"

My mom gasped, while my dad looked at me from over his shoulder quickly, before turning back to the road.

"No Sah'nai. Dr. Moore said because you do not want to do chemo and radiation you wont lose your hair. Cancer doesn't cause you to lose your hair." My mom explained.

"Okay." I nodded.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, and my dad looked deep in thought as he pursed his lips together.

"Welcome home Nai!" my older brother and younger sister, Robert and Jasmine, yelled rushing towards me for hugs.

"Hey guys." I said hugging them back as tight as I could.

"Okay let your sister go so that she can sit down. She's tired."

"It's okay Dad." I said smiling as Rob and Jas pulled back to look at me.

"You look like you lost more weight Nai." Jas said frowning.

"I did." I said smiling weakly.

I had lost so much weight over the past month. At first it was unoticeable, but once I thought I had the flu my weight decreased so much. A month ago I weighed 130, now I was almost to 100 pounds.

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