"Mum do you think I could go and see lou, I mean I'm not being sick anymore and I haven't seen him for days." Harry asked and Anne sighed. "You sure you don't feel sick?" Anne asked. "Positive and if I do all of a sudden I'll leave the room." Harry said and Anne nodded causing Harry to smile. "He's in the living room playing with his Lego But I mean it Harry, if you feel sick you need to leave you know what lous like." "He's my son Mum I don't want to upset him." Harry said as he carefully got up. "Just Go careful okay." Harry nodded before slowly making his way downstairs. Anne walked close to Harry as he was slightly wobbily on his feet.

Louis was to engrossed in building to notice his daddy cone down. "What you building there Lou baby" Harry said. Louis looked round hearing his daddy's voice and jumped to his feet running over to him. "Daddy." Louis squealed when he reached Harry and wrapped his arms around Harry's legs. "Why don't you let daddy sit down lou and then cuddle with him." Louis nodded and Anne helped Harry sit on the sofa and Louis quickly climbed up snuggling into his side. "Daddy feel better?" Louis asked looking up at Harry once he was settled. "Yeah lou I don't feel sick anymore. I'm just really tired." Louis nodded happy with that answer and Anne handed the remote for the tv over to Harry before sitting down next to Robin. Louis snuggled into his daddy.

Robin went over to Anne and said was it a good idea as Harry could still be infectious. "It will be fine, Louis needs a bath in a bit anyway just let them be for now." Anne said but Robin looked unsure knowing it would be a nightmare if Louis caught this bug. Robin nodded unsure. It was about fifteen minutes later and robin told it was bath time for Louis. Harry had fallen asleep on the sofa. "But cuddle with daddy." Louis said. "You can cuddle again after your bath Okay." Louis sighed but nodded so Robin lifted him off the sofa careful not to wake Harry and walked upstairs with Louis to get him in the bath.

Anne smiled at Harry and went and fetched the thememeter to double check it while Louis was bring bathed. Anne quietly snuck into Niall's room and cooed when she saw both Niall and Liam fast asleep with Niall being curled into Liam's side who had an arm wrapped tightly around the boy. She quietly picked the thermometer up from Niall's bedside table and exited the room again quietly closing the door behind her so there was less chance of them waking. She then walked back downstairs and carefully took Harry's temperature hoping not to wake him. Anne managed not to wake him. She sighed as she looked at the themometer it was a low grade fever of 38.1. She knew Louis would be upset but he shouldn't be cuddling Harry.

Louis was having fun in the bath. "Shall we get you out now lou." Robin asked after he finished washing Louis' hair and the boy nodded. "Cuddle with daddy again." Louis asked and Robin sighed. "Why don't you go and get dressed in your pyjamas and then come down I'm going to go and talk to grandma." Robin said once he was dry. Louis nodded and headed to his room while Robin went downstairs. "Anne I don't think Louis should be cuddling with harry." Robin said. "No me neither Harry's still got a temperature it's asking for disaster if Louis cuddles with him." Anne said just as Louis came downstairs and before he could reach his daddy Robin picked him up. "No down, cuddle daddy." Louis whined trying to get down but Robin held onto him tighter. "No,no,no daddy want daddy." Louis cried as Robin began to head upstairs while Louis was sobbing. Liam woke up to the noise and quietly and carefully untangled himself from Niall and headed into the hallway seeing Louis being carried up the stairs sobbing.

"What's going on?" Liam asked taking Louis into his arms who clung tightly onto him. "He wanted to cuddle with Harry but we're worried he's still contagious." Robin explained and Liam nodded rubbing Louis' back. "I've got him Robin can you keep an eye on Niall, he's currently asleep so he should be okay but you never know." Robin nodded heading into Niall's room while Liam carried Louis into his room sitting on Louis' bed while the 4 year old cried into his chest and mumbled out daddy continuously.

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