20k reads and new years SPECIAL VIII

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Hello minna as first I would like to say thank you for all the support and I would like to wish you all a happy new year and a wonderful 2018 now let's get on with the story

"I can't believe the year is almost over, it has been a crazy Rollercoaster of a year" I turned to my fiance and mate "yeah with all that crap of Alvarez over it seems like months" Gray said to me hugging me around my waist "do you want to celebrate new years with the guild?" Gray asked me and I nodded "I think it would be nice to" I told him and he nodded "I'll grab Nilani" I told him as I left his side I walked up the stairs of our house and into my daughter's room as I approached her crib I smiled at her when she looked up at me and giggled I lifted her up and kissed her head as I cradled her in my arms I carried her back down I intertwined my hands with Gray's as we left our house and made our way to the guild hall

When we arrived at the guild I could already hear the party going on inside
"it seems we arrived late at the party" I giggled looking at Gray he shook his head but grinned as well as we walked inside we saw everyone drinking again as games were being played I walked up to the bar with Nilani in my arms as Gray joined the men "Leanne!" Mira chirped when she saw me approach and I smiled as I gave the barmaid a small wave "so do you want some alcohol?" Mira asked me and I shook my head "need to watch for the little one" I said and Mira frowned for a second "but isn't she born alre..." Mira trailed off before she got stars in her eyes and squealed hugging me "how long?" Mira asked "a week" I told her while Nilani oblivious to it all was playing with the little star I created for her "what's wrong I heard Mira squealing from the other side of the guild" Lucy said as she Erza and Lisanna walked up to join us "well-" I began but was cut off by Mira "she told me she was pregnant" she blurted out as the other girl's eyes shot open I sighed "listen just don't tell Gray yet I want to surprise him tonight" I told the girls who nodded "so have you thought of any names yet?" Lisanna asked and I nodded "well actually I have" I told them as they got closer to me so they could hear "I decided to name it Silver if it's a boy and Ur when it's a girl" I admitted as the girls awwed "both were important people in his life thats very kind of you to do" Erza said and I nodded "it's the least I could do" I told them honestly they nodded nonetheless "cmon let's play some games" cana said as she appeared behind me dragging me along "Mira watch over her!" I yelled to the bar maid who gave me a thumbs up I sighed in relief.

When cana had dragged me to a drinking game I had immediately declined and made my way to the other side of the guild where I watched as Wendy was playing hit the target with Asuka delibarey losing to the younger girl I smiled at my younger sister who waved back before turning as Asuka again who cheered 'winning' again I then moved further into the guild as I was surprised to see the thunder legion drunk out of their minds it was quite hilarious to see as Evergreen was trying to flirt with Elfman who was turning red very quickly Freed not being able to handle alcohol very well was crying like a little kid because he couldn't find 'his Laxus-sama' which earned him some glances from other guild members while Laxus was actually behind him face palming at Freed's actions while Bickslow was actually the most normal along with Laxus as he was calmly sipping a beer he nodded his head in greeting as he saw me I returned the friendly gesture before slowly making my way back to Mira where Nilani was sipping on some juice she probably got from Mira "thanks Mira" I said with a smile picking my daughter up "it's almost time isn't it?" I asked as I looked at the clock and saw it was almost midnight "oh snap I need to go" Mira can you give Nilani to Gray when you go out of the guild with everyone? " I asked Mira and she nodded taking my daughter over I rushed outside towards my destination which was magnolia Park as I entered I smiled as I saw townspeople around me children smiling who knew what I was about to do since it became a Fairytail tradition since I joined as I was slowly counting down I could hear my guild mates coming this way

I slowly danced with my body as energy flowed around me I calmly guided it as around me the air started shining before a light shot straight up as the light died down it revealed seals in the sky that I could activate any moment as midnight started nearing my guild mates started counting down











As they got to 1 I activated the seals as they started shining the Fairytail emblem appeared as first after that the sky lit up with the words

"Happy New Year!!" as the guild cheered we all gave each other hugs and wishes for the best up coming year we all shared wishes and it was finally my turn I smiled at Gray as I stood in front of him I spoke "my wish is that this year my family will keep being happy and that my soon to be husband can handle two children" I said as everyone became silent Gray actually laughed as he picked me up hugging me the rest of the guild cheered for us congratulations were shared I looked at my future husband and he looked at me a shared thought going through our minds "this is our true home"

So yeah that was the final special I wish all of you a happy new year early since this will be posted before new year in any case I hope you have an amazing 2018 and it will offer you happiness thank you all ~cookie-chan

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