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Year X773
Leanne's Pov
I was running away if there was anyone here at the moment they would see a girl with black hair and bright purple eyes with torn clohts at the age of 7. I was running away from bandits who wanted my powers I was crying because I couldn't find dad anywhere and those bandits found me for how hard I was crying. I got to a cave and  I was exhausted and as soon as I entered the cave I collapsed of exhaustion.
The next day
When I woke up I felt something move so I jolted up and let out a small squeak I was looking at a dragon. "you are not afraid of me child?" the dragon asked as I took a good look at her she was a majestic purple and had shining blue eyes I shook my head at her question "no you look like daddy" i said to the dragon "he was big and tall and hat beautiful black scales with blue marking" i told the dragon the dragon frowned for a moment and a look of shock went trough her eyes "tell me girl what do you think of the stars?" the dragon asked me "i think they're pretty and give a Light in the darkness" i answerd truthfully. The dragon smiled at my answer "then how would you like the Magic of the stars?" she asked me my eyes got a glitter of excitement in them and I vigorously nodded my head "Well little one my name is Stella and I will be your new mother" Stella introduced and my eyes lit up when she said she was going to be my mother so I immediately hugged her nose "thank you" i said to her "your welcome little one now go to sleep we will start your training Tommorow" Stella said so I kissed her nose and fell asleep between her claws.

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