SPECIAL VI: Slumber Party

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Leanne's pov
I sat in the guild with Gray happily snuggled into his chest I was slurping away on a watermelon smoothie Gray was playing with his ice Magic making small statues for me I looked around me and saw Natsu talking with Lucy who was blushing because ofcourse she likes Natsu as I saw my little sister sitting with Carla and Happy talking Mira was working the bar serving Macao and Wakaba as Master was having a drinking contest Erza was eating strawberry cake and Levy was with Gajeel and Pantherlily as I sighed in content at the sight of my family being happy "you alright?"  Gray asked and I nodded "yeahh" i breathed out softly I then got a idea Mira would be proud of "Hey Gray?" i asked setting my drink down and looking my mate in the eyes "hmm? He hummed questioningly" what do you think about having a sleep over?" asked as Gray raised an eyebrow "are you sure that's a good idea?"  he asked and I nodded "yeah it sounds like fun" Gray sighed knowing he couldn't win an argument with me "Fine but you invite them" he said and I nodded happily as I made my way to Wendy first "Hey little sis" i greeted her and she looked up and smiled "Hello Lea-nee" she greeted "So I was wondering if you want to come to a sleepover I'm hosting" i told her and she started smiling brightly "i would love to" she said excited "alright I'll see you at my house around 7 okay?"  i asked and she nodded as I waved I continued towards Natsu and Lucy "Hey guys" i greeted as they greeted back "you wanna come to the sleepover?"  i asked and Lucy nodded "yeah sure sounds like fun" she said Natsu just grinned like a madman like normal "alright I'm going to invite the rest" i told them and walked off to my next victims..I mean guests those are none other than Levy and Gajeel "Hey guys I'm hosting a sleep over and quite some people are coming and I wonderd if you would like to come too?" i immediately got to the point "yeah sure that sounds fun!" Levy said with a smile Gajeel just grumbled if shrimps going then So am I" i nodded and walked towards my last planned guest "Hey Erza" i greeted "Leanne" she said with a nod and a Small smile "Erza I'm planning a sleepover and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"  i asked and she sparkled "wonderful idea I will attend" she said shining and I giggled at her antics "alright I'll see you tonight" i waved and walked back to Gray "alright everyone's set up" i smiled and he sighed "Fine now we need to go shopping for tonight" he told me and I nodded as we walked out of the guild together with intertwined hands.

"alright welcome!" i greeted the group at the door as I opened it I waved them in closing the door behind them "alright we have drinks and some chips if anyone is hungry or thirsty" i said showing them the bowls me and Gray had set up "Allright movie!" me Lucy and Levy cheered the guys groaned as we put on a movie I snuggled into Gray with Wendy on my lap as I snickered with Erza pointing to Levy and Gajeel and Natsu and Lucy. After the movie I decided to put my plan in action "all right truth or dare!"  i called with an evil glitter in my eyes everyone but Gray looked at me in Shock "okay Lucy truth or dare?"  i asked gleaming "uhm..truth" she said after a moment "i have been wondering this for a long while..what's your size??" i asked as Lucy went red with embarrassment "32DD" she muttered but with my Dragon hearing I heard it crystal clear damn girl" i whistled "alright Lucy your turn Lucy" i said to her "okay..Levy truth or dare?" Lucy asked and Levy decided she felt brave answerd "Dare" Lucy smirked "i dare yo to kiss Gajeel" she said and I nodded in approval Levy went tomato red "uhhhh...I..don't know" she tried to say but eventually gave in and kissed Gajeel who also went red. It went on like this for a while me and Gray kissing singing a duet with Wendy Natsu and Gray kissing...Gray wasn't happy I suggested this so he got me back since there was alcohol involved he made me kiss Lucy wich turned out in a makeout session since we both were drunk I fell asleep on the dogpile op every who got knocked out by the amount of booze we had.

So yeah I decided to make a 6th special all because of you guys seriously almost 4,5k reads it's like unbelievable I am grateful to all the people who read this book So thank you all Byebye -Cookie-Chan

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