chapter 18: Cardia Cathedral

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Leanne's Pov
I met up with Erza and told her that we could find Laxus in the Cathedral only that Gajeel and Natsu were already there probably fighting so we hurried towards the Cathedral where we could feel the energy radiating in the air "Well it seems my guess was right" i said to her as we opened the door and ran in "Mystogan?" me and Erza asked as we saw the hooded S-class mage fighting Laxus he turned around to give Laxus a free shot it missed Mystogan self only not his mask Showing the face of someone I thought was dead "Jellal?" Erza asked horrified "I'm sorry Erza you were the only person I didn't want to show my face to but I am not the Jellal you know" he said and after that he just walked out "Well that was weird" i said couldn't say it better" Laxus surprisingly agreed with me looking at Mystogan in confusion "3 minutes till the lightning palace activates" he said laughing like a maniac "Erza you handle the thunder palace we got the big guy) I said to the red head making her nod and run out of the Cathedral after that I turned my attention to Laxus together with Gajeel and Natsu" Listen you two i know you don't like to work together but I'm afraid we have to Laxus is too strong to take him out alone so fight against each other later but now work together" i hissed to the two Dragon slayers "fine" Natsu grumbled so I looked at Gajeel "Whatever just this one time" he growled making me smile a little just like children those two i thought to myself and with that we all rushed at Laxus.

The fight has been dragged out for a while Laxus had some scratches and bruises and was painting heavily while me Natsu and Gajeel where off worse Gajeel had a bloody nose Natsu broke his arm and I had broken a few off my ribs. "I'm going to end it right now" Laxus said releasing an powerful energy I knew all too well "Fairy law..." i whispered Gajeel too had an face of disbelief "wasn't that what defeated master José?"  he asked no one "Laxus don't do it!" i yelled when Levy came rushing "Laxus your grandfather he's going to die" Levy cried making me stop in shock "gramps is dieing?" i asked in disbelief "i don't care the Oldman should have listened earlier" he said "Fairy Law" was the last thing i heard before I got blinded by a bright light strangely enough it didn't hurt "i finally surpassed you old man" Laxus said but he got Angry when he saw we were unharmed "What I did the spell perfectly" he raged when Freed appeard "that's because you don't see them as enemies Laxus you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to your heart" he said making Laxus even more mad "Natsu,Gajeel let's end it" i said as we stood up.

"Fire dragon's-"
"Iron dragon's-"
"Star Dragon's Roar!" we yelled sending an unison raid at Laxus hitting him at full force making him fall too the ground and whit that i closed my eyes in exhaustion as I fell on my back.

When I woke up I was in the infirmary Gramps in the bed on the other side of the room "Hey Gramps" i said as I sat up on the edge of the bed "im proud of you Leanne you showed Excellent Leadership" he said "Thanks gramps how is your and health?"  i asked the Oldman "im doing well do not worry for me" he laughed a bit when there was a knock on the door "Hey" Laxus said as he walked in i just stayed silent I knew it wasn't my time to talk "Have you any idea what you did?" Master asked Laxus just hang his head "a guild is a place to come home to a family many of the people here don't have one that's why they come here"  he started "but you made a mistake setting family u against each other yo know where did I go wrong with you" he asked no one as a small tear left his eye "Laxus you leave me no choice you are Expelled" Master said making my eyes go wide and Laxus a bit shocked but he knew he deserved it "Thank you for all you've done" he said as tears ran over his cheeks "just go" Master said not even able to look at him "Laxus" i said before he could leave stopping him I gave him a hug "take care of yourself sparky"  i said using the old nickname I gave him he just nodded and left i looked at gramps "I'll give you some time" i said closing the Doors behind me walking downstairs into the guild.

Through everything that happened we still decided to go trough with the Fantasia parade I was in the first car in the same dress I used for the Beauty pageant and I was making stars and swirling them around the kids of Magnolia who happily chased them or tried to catch them as I smiled at them and from the last car master stood in a silly outfit he thrusted his hand into the air making the Fairytail sign Laxus once came up with once years ago when he was still young
"no Matter how far we're apart we are looking your way"

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