chapter 17: the battle of Fairy Tail

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No one's Pov
Lucy was jut about to start her cheer when she was interupted "Entry number 8" the voice was Evergreen "Hey what are you doing this is my time"  Lucy asked pissed of but Evergreen took her glasses "Lucy no don't look at her eyes!" Max tried to in warn the blonde but it was too late "Evergreen turn her back right now"  Makarov yelled getting angry when Lightning struck and with it appeared 3 men a tall blonde a green haired man with a Sword and a man with a viser over his eyes "Laxus what do you think you are doing the guildmaster shouted at his Grandson the blonde man"what's a festival without a fight?" he asked laughing "now hand over the guild" he continued "or I might just turn these girls into dust he said throwing his arm over a stone Lucy's shoulder Makarov almost got a nosebleed when he saw the position Leanne was in when she was turned into stone you could see she was changing Gray who stood a few feet away saw this too and got a huge blush at the sight of the star dragon slayer" it's a 100 against 4 you have an hour and a half to turn over the guild otherwise I will turn these girls into dust one by one starting with star queen over there" he said pointing at Leanne and with that the thunder God tribe vanished into Lightning with a laughing Laxus the last thing you heard the members of Fairytail rushed out the guild hall in search for the thunder God tribe "come on gramps what are you waiting for" Gray said as he tried to pull the guild master out of the Guild hall but was stopped by a Rune wall "no one over 80 can leave" Master Makarov read "No problem Gramps I got this" Natsu said as he tried to walk out of the Guild but also he was stopped "you're over 80 too?!?" Makarov screamed in shock that the Dragon slayer couldn't leave "i don't think so!?!" Natsu yelled Back "How about you Gajeel?"  The Master asked "gheh I'll only do this because I have some business with sparky" the iron dragon slayer said as hé walked out...or at least tried "no way your over 80 too?!?" Natsu yelled "Do I look 80 to you!!" Gajeel asked pissed off.

There had been some time past now when Natsu thought he came up with an idea "how about I use my fire on Erza" he asked as he walked up to the statue of Scarlet "Natsu I don't think that's a good idea" Happy warned "Natsu if you even try to do that on Leanne I will claw out your eyes got it?" Arya hissed making the Dragon slayer shake and nod his head. Natsu used his fire but then a piece of Erza cracked of maki everyone in the guild hall panic "oh god we broke Erza bring me the glue"  Natsu panicked then Erza started to crack up more and Natsu was on his knees over and over muttering an apology when suddenly Erza was no longer made out of stone "I feel hot... It was you wasn't it" she asked Natsu with a dark look "We're you trying to cook me alive?!" Erza exclaimed punching Natsu. Makarov told Erza what was going on and told her to go look for Evergreen to Unstone the rest of the girls Erza took A look at her non-blood sister Leanne and saw in what position she was stoned in "if anyone tries something with Leanne when she is back to Normal they have a problem" she warned before rushing off to find Evergreen

Erza eventually found Evergreen at the square

Leanne's Pov
I felt myself get control again of my body and felt the stone fall of me but I just realized I had unhooked my Bikini top and it was loose so it fell of "EEEEK" i squealed and protected my chest by hugging my knees and crossing my arms "Any one have seen my shirt?"  i asked the other girls around me and Mira looked me and immediately rushed to the bar grabbing one of my extra shirts and to prevent the boys from peeping the girls stood infront of me blocking me from view I sighed when I put my black tanktop back on also wearing a white skirt "I'm good now" i said as the girls shattered apart when a thought projection appeard with the image of Laxus "the rules have changed I have activated the thunder palace you have half an hour to stop me or hand over the guild" Laxus said to Master "are you insane boy" Makarov shouted Laxus just laughed and dissappeard after the Master clutched his Heart "He needs his medicine" Mira shouted but for that we need Polyuersica "I'll find Erza and come back to you and Gajeel I said to Natsu as Levy had broke the Rune so we could leave they nodded and we separated.

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