chapter 12: The end of Phantom

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Leanne's Pov
I rushed into Phantom's guild hall with Gray and Elfman and Mira with Arya sitting on my Shoulder "okay I'm going to look for Erza" I said because that idiot was stupid enough to go after José they nodded saying they would go after the other element four

"that's enough José the element for are defeated Lucy is free it's time to stop" i said as I walked into the room Erza and Natsu were with José "and who are you to tell me Girl" he snarled at me "my name is not really important but if you wish to know it's Leanne" i said My voice cool and turned to Erza "are you completely stupid? Trying to fight a wizard Saint with your injuries?" i scolded her she tried to warn me but I got hit in the back by a spell of José "grr...hitting me whit my back turned that's even low for you but I guess that's what I get for not paying attention" i muttered "you're nothing compared to me so give up now and let me destroy you oh I wonder what Makarov's face would be when he finds out your all dead" he laughed like a maniac "Well then I suppose I'm not going to die now am I?" i asked rushing to José "Star dragon's Cosmic Fist" i yelled but José dodged my punch and hit me in the stomach with a fist I flew back a few feet before I land on my feet I a crouching position "He's strong I don't know if I can win this" i thought to myself "Star Dragon's Roar!" i yelled sending a roar attack at José this time catching him off guard earning him some scrapes "you annoying fly I will crush you!" he yelled sending a wave of dark energy my way so I jumped to avoid it "Star dragon's talon" i said as I kicked José in the Face making him slide a few feet back "Dark impact" he said shooting a dark ball at me hitting me with full force I flew back from the impact and groaned in pain "Leanne!" Erza yelled as she ran to me holding me in her lap "I'm sorry Erza" i said in between coughs "shh your going to be fine just rest" she said shusing me i closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing "i think I broke some ribs" i wheezed but suddenly Erza picked me up making me hiss in pain "it's over Leanne master is going to end it" she said trying to hold me as gentle as she could when I felt a warm light engulf me "" i muttered and after that my eyes closed and I felt myself lose my consciousness.

I woke up later In a field hospital and a half naked Gray at my bedside "Gray?" i questioned trough half lidded eyes I couldn't really tell "yeah I'm here" he said taking my hand making me blush at his action "put a shirt on" i chuckled making him panic "Hey Gray..?" i asked the ice mage He hummed in conformation " you like me?" i asked the ice mage making him blush "because...I like you" i said blushing myself making him look at me In shock "yeah i do" he said making me blush even harder "so do you... Wanna go out sometime?" he asked me i nodded "i would love to i said as I sat up and kissed his cheek" now get out I need to change" i said kicking him out of the tent.

I was helping every one with the Rebuilding of the Guild hall I mostly helped Mira with small task since my injuries prevented me from doing heavy jobs "Master are you alright?" i asked the Oldman drinking some beer on the table "i should ask that to you child, how are your injuries?" he asked I chuckled "thanks for the concern master but I'm doing better still a little pain but I can take it" i said with a smile "this guild Is no place for weaklings" i heard a voice say I haven't heard in a while "What did you say?!?" Erza growled "i said you guys are a pathetic bunch I don't even know your names" he said the last part to Jet and Droy "Laxus stop it" i said turning all attention to me as I stumbled to the lightning mage "pfft and what are you going to do about it? Huh star queen" he taunted "Well maybe I'm going to punch you till you have some sense in your head remember what happened last time?" i asked the Tall man her grumbled and vanished in lighting so I turned to the rest of the Guild "guys I'm going home I'll see you tomorrow!" i said waving with a smile Arya was in my arms already asleep and I slowly made my way to my house

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