chapter 5:The train ride

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Leanne's Pov
It was pretty early when I arrived but I wasn't the first to arrive because already there were Natsu and Gray already head bumping and arguing about something but I was surprised to see the blonde girl sitting on the bench next to Happy with a sort of snowman in her lap. "Hello I think we haven't met yet" I said as I stood next to the blonde "oh yes my name is Lucy I just joined Fairy tail" she answered "Well hello Lucy my name is Leanne I'm looking forward to work with you" I said as I gave her a small smile "Have you been waiting here long?" Erza asked from behind me "no I just got here myself Oh and Erza meet Lucy apparently she's a new recruit she just joined the guild and also apparently Mira told her to come with us" I explained to her why Lucy was here so Erza's face cleared up "the more the merrier" she said
"Hey Erza there is only one thing I want if u want me to come with you" Natsu said grinning "oh and what's that?" Erza asked amusement in her eyes "i want a rematch when we get back" Natsu said "do you have a deathwish?!?" Gray exclaimed Erza had a smile on her face "very well I accept your challenge" Erza responded as we got in the train.

"it would be a good time to explain us why you need our help Erza" Gray said I already knowing why kept quiet to let Erza do the talking "very well, during my travels I overheard a group of mages talking about Lullaby it is supposed to be a powerful dark Magic object" Erza said "sorry to interupt Erza but it isn't just any dark Magic it's death Magic" i interupted Erza's story to wich Gray and Lucy looked shocked "death Magic?" Lucy asked startled I nodded and I looked over to Happy who was sleeping with his sister well their not technically siblings but they see themselves as it also they were born on the same day.
"Well this is our stop let's go"Erza said as I picked up the two sleeping kittens and walked off the train"uhm guys where's Natsu?" I asked as I looked around noticing the pink haired dragon slayer wasn't with us and then the train left "uh oh" we said in unison.

We were using a Magic mobile wich Erza burrowed actually she stole it but hey we'll bring it back....someday.
Gray was on top of the car calling for Natsu to jump out of the train well he got out of it but he was more a sort of launched out off it straight into Gray and threw them both of the car making Erza stop it abruptly.

Turns out Natsu was on the train with a mage of Eisenwald so we were heading towards ochibana station where Eisenwald is supposed to be heading when we arrived we walked in and I was mentally preparing myself for the upcoming battle.

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