chapter 48: Avatar Cult

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Leanne's pov
I woke up in the early morning and awoke Arya we started breaking up camp as we packed our stuff I could smell the Fairytail group come in our direction so I quickly grabbed our backs and told Arya to follow me as we flew up in the air I settled down a few trees later when I saw the group we were following at our old camp "Natsu where are you going didn't we say last night we would be going to check Sabertooth?"  Lucy asked Natsu who was sniffing around our camp "We're being followed" Natsu stated and I smirked silently applauding Natsu for his senses but I know he can't smell us now since I'm using my magic to hide also I'm wearing a lot of limiters so my magic power is almost undetectable only people who know what they're looking for can feel it
"wait you mean someone actually is following us? For how long?"  Lucy asked getting nervous he looked at the campfire "that was of today so who ever it was is close by" he told Lucy "and as for how long I have been having this feeling we were being watched since we left Crocus" he continued "i have also been having this feeling only since I joined you guys" Wendy said looking around trying to see if she can find anything but of course she doesn't notice anything well anything suspicious that is she actually looked right at me but if you don't know what you're looking for you cannot see it that's the benefit of even the smallest amount of illusion magic "are you sure it's actually people following us or couldn't it just have been a couple of travelers going the other way?" Lucy asked trying to reassure herself more then the rest "No I'm sure why would you your scent if you're only traveling"  Natsu said and I was actually suprised by his intelligence
"doesn't matter let's continue to Sabertooth" Natsu said starting to walk away as they got out of hearing range again I followed them as they neared the Sabertooth guild hall I flew up to the top floor and sat on the edge as I looked at my arms I saw Nilani had woken up "good morning sweetie" i cooed as she let out a giggle I smiled at my daughters happiness but she started tugging my hair "ow ow ow no Nilani stop pulling mommy's hair" i told her as I tried to get her tiny hands from my hair after 2 minutes she finally let go of my hair "thank you sweetheart" i said kissing the top of her head as she snuggled closer in my chest I started studying her I saw she began developing small sharp hook teeth "aww baby is getting her fangs" i cooed as I heard the Fairytail group leave the Sabertooth guild hall I saw a fat guy step out behind them but when I saw the blonde hair I was Sting I tucked Nilani in my wing again who fell asleep in the comfort of my wings as I flew after them I saw them enter a building in the forest I heard 1 voice crystal clear and that belonged to Natsu "WHERE ARE YOU GRAY" his voice reached me and Arya who were still in the air "So Gray is there is it time for me to show myself or should I do it a other time?"  i was debating with myself but before I even could come to an decision Natsu and the group were already outside again without Gray I looked at the building "avatar?"  i questiond I had some conversations with members of this dark guild so I was quite familiar with the Zeref worshipping cult they are a bunch of fanatics who believe Zeref will show up everywhere where death is wich is wrong but I knew of the purification project "So that's what Gray's after..the book" i smirked realizing why Gray joined this bunch of fanatics he was after the book of E.N.D wich was in Zeref's possession "but Gray wouldn't normally find out about avatar unless someone informed him of it" i thought but then remembered one of the conversations I had once with a higher up from avatar
"So Why did you call me here Zero?" i asked the man standing in front of him "we had a run in with a ex member of Fairytail Erza Scarlet" he told me and I figured out why he called me here "sorry no can do I can't kill titania" i immediately told him and he grumbled "come on Chaos you're the strongest rogue one out there" Zero tried to persuade me "sorry brother but you're on your own and don't even think about favors you know what happened last time" i told him as I walked away He mumbled something under his breath but I was too far too hear it"
(Flash back over)
"So Erza must have alerted him about avatar that means he's doing an undercover mission and Erza is somewhere in the area and Natsu and the group is ruining his mission" i pieced everything together and laughed Avatar may be strong but I know what these wizards are capable of "well it seems there goes one source of income" i said to Arya "So we will be losing Avatar as client then?"  she asked and I nodded "yeahh but we still have a few other dark guilds" i said and she nodded in understanding. You see I have been doing work for dark guilds the past year for dark guilds keeping the Magic council of them destroying rivaling guilds I always went under the name chaos and it paid really well but the last months I have been losing clients ever since Gajeel and Levy started working for the council they kept arresting clients and they have been costing me around 40 million jewel or something like that as I watched Natsu and the group go for one more attempt only this time they were successful and Gray was with them and finally my predictions were right as Erza scarlet herself joined the group she started scolding the group telling them they had ruined their mission but they decided to work together to atop the Purification project and ran off again but this time I didn't follow them since I had to speak with Someone first "Zero I know you're here" i said walking into the avatar building "Chaos" he said suprised to see me he saw Nilani in my wing "can I?"  he asked pointing towards my daughter and I nodded taking her out of her spot in my wing I gave her to Zero I trusted Zero even though he is a member of the cult he still has a dream of having his own family as Zero was in his Mid 20's he looked at her a small smile on his lips as he saw her sleeping "She's an angel" he said giving me her back and I nodded "she is" i said with a smile "So why are you here chaos?"  he asked "i knew you were going to get betrayed by Fullbuster I decided to tell you to not go to the purification ritual" i told him and hs looked at me in suprise "why?" he asked confused "it's over the project is going to get stopped and avatar will be no more so let me give you advise leave the Dark behind go find a girl and begin a family" i told him and he teared up a bit "thank you chaos.." he said "Leanne,my name is Leanne" i told him "thank you Leanne mine isn't Zero's Alex" he told me "alright Alex..take care" i said with a soft smile "If you ever need a babysitter I'll be happy to look after her" he called as I was near the door "I'll remember that" i called back and took to the air my next destination?  The purification project.

Hey guys it's Cookie-Chan and as a reward for you guys it's a second chapter this mostly is because I won't have a lot of time actually no time at all to write new chapters since I am in my final exam week and I need to Ace it without needing to redo 1 exam so yeah for now Byebye -Cookie-Chan

Fairy tail's Black Star Dragon |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora