Chapter 1: Training with Stella

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Year X775
Leanne's Pov
It has been 2 years since I have been training with Stella and today she was going to learn me a secret art: Nova Crash. "now remember that it's day doesn't mean there are no stars" Stella reminded me i Smiled and focused on the energy "Soaring trough the stars in the sky I claim what is mine and let it free Star Dragon secret art: Nova Crash!" i yelled making a ball of pure star energy in my hands and exploding it by clapping my hands together making a shockwave spread out. "Well done well done my little star" Stella said smiling proudly at me "i can't believe it how strong you have gotten" Stella said I smiled at her and hugged her leg "now that you did that i want you to run 20 laps around the terrain." Stella smirked I groaned and started running.

It was evening when I was finnaly done with the laps I collapsed my muscles screaming in protest I made my way to Stella who was sitting at a fire with some meat for me "thanks for the food" i mumbled "are you tired sweetheart?" Stella asked me and I yawned nodding "Goodnight mom" i said as I tucked myself under her wings

6 July x777
"Little star I want to teach you something new" Stella said while i ate some berry's I looked at her a curious look in my eyes "i am going to learn you an area spell where you can use the space around you as an advantage and have a leverage" Stella said "it is called Star Dragons Nebula wich allows you to create a Nebula where you can move freely and unseen In a long distance" Stella explained me "so I want you to focus on the Stars and extract the Nebula from the sky" Stella said as I started focusing at what she said "Open the gate of the stars and show my world STAR DRAGONS NEBULA!" I yelled as a purple smoke appeard and I dissappeard in it then I heard clapping and made the Nebula dissappear to see Stella clapping her paws "Good work my little star so good of you" she almost grinning as bright as the stars I could feel I was tired and I just collapsed the last thing i heard was "I'm so sorry my little star I love you" and after that my eyes closed

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