chapter 15: Jellal's end

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Leanne's Pov
Me and Natsu where standing right in front of Jellal "you hurt her" i said "You made Erza cry" Natsu growled "she's like a sister to me" i growled "YOU'RE GOING DOWN" We both yelled rushing to Jellal Natsu punched him first but Jellal dodged but he couldn't dodge me so i punched his cheek sending him flying towards Natsu who sent him back my way we smashed him to each other for a few punches when we decided to use a roar when he was in the middle "Star dragon's-" "Fire dragon's-" "Roar!" we both roared making two tornado's of Fire and Stars hit Jellal when the smoke cleared he was a bit scratched nothing more he threw his cape of and started glowing he sped up like a speeding star punching Natsu then he tried to come for me "Nice try" i called out speeding up myself "But the stars are my Terrain" i said catching up with him punching him to the sky then I noticed he drew a simple "Heavenly body Magic: Grand Chariot" he said making me grin because as soon as his magic fired I stood infront of Natsu and Erza and then... I started eating his magic "yum you know your stars are not that bad" i said taunting him he looked at me Inshock "Then let me end you know" he said with a dark grin "Death pillar" he said releasing a blast of Dark Magic "ugh what do I do i could stop it but that would sell me out" i tought to myself debating on what to do but when the blast almost connected Simon appeard and blocked the shot Erza cried over Simon's death with his head in her lap and me and Natsu got pissed off Natsu grabbed an piece of Etherion and the idiot ate it but what surprised me was the energy he let out "Dragon force" i whispered when I saw that Natsu grew scales and I started focusing remembering what Father told me only this time with my star Energy and I let out a dragon like roar when I felt the energy.

No one's Pov
Natsu felt the energy Leanne released and it kinda scared him it made shivers go down his back when he looked at her he could see she also grew scales her grew like a tiara around her head in A bright Yellow that looked like the stars there grew some on her cheeks and her arms also around her chest grew scales and some on her legs those where a royal purple but they had a hint of black that was what scared him the dark black color on the scales and the feeling of fear it was giving him like he had seen them somewhere and that terrified him.

Leanne's Pov
When I opened my eyes I looked at Natsu and Nodded to him we were both a lot Faster now and I could feel my strength sometimes during the fight I could see Natsu look at me with Fear in his eyes I knew why but I wasn't going to tell him it could ruin my friendship they would find out eventually but I would like to stay friends with them for as long as I can.

Finally Jellal was defeated when the tower started to shake Erza then said she knew how to fix it and she slowly dissappeard into the lacrima me and Natsu tried to stop her but we couldn't Natsu was shaking so it snapped Jim out of it "I don't want to lose her So where are you waiting for GET HER OUT!" i screamed the last part making Natsu get back to Earth and making hi dive into the crystal arising with Erza in his arms "we need to go let's move fast" i said as I ran ahead of Natsu who followed me when we reached a boat and jumped in just in time to see the tower explode

We arrived at a shore where I spotted the rest of the team and Arya so I rushed of the boat towards my furry friend Arya was crying when she sped in my arms so I shook and sussed her like a new born child kissing her furry head "im here" i whispered looking at Erza saying farewell to her childhood friends I put my hand on Erza's shoulder when she was waving the off "They'll be fine" i reassured her "yeah you're right, you always are" she chuckled the last part making me giggle "Hey Erza, Let's go home" i said with a small smile and with that we made our way back to the guildhall "i wonder how far they got while we were gone" i said making the group laugh.

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