SPECIAL I: Mira's valentine madness

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Leanne's pov
I woke up and looked at the calendar "14th February X784" i saw the date and my eyes went wide "oh no...." i gulped "valentines day" the day everyone in the Fairytail guild hates the day where Mira goes shipping crazy I sighed already knowing where this would go today so I got surprised when I arrived at the guild today to see all sort of Chambers Mira walked up to me with her matchmaker smile and pushed me towards a door with my name on it so when I came inside I was surprised to see a rack full of dresses I saw some dresses disappear "So a grab what you like but be fast" i thought to myself when I saw my favorite dress (the one she wore in the GMG) I saw a note slip underneath my door "proceed to the next room where your date will be waiting" i groaned when I read the paper (this is when they officially became a couple)
I opened the door and I froze(pun intended) the date Mira had set up was between me....and Gray he stood in the door opening wearing a black suit with a navy blue bowtie I tried to turn around and get out but I was stopped by runes "No one is allowed to leave without cupid Mira's permission" the runes said and at that moment I couldn't help but curse at Freed "Hey..." i muttered looking at my feet "Hey" Gray said obviously as embarrassed as I am "sooo what do we do now?"  i asked I still was super uncomfortable when a note slipped under the door "what's this?"  i asked as I picked it up "Mira's romantic meals: -romantic plate of spaghetti
-romantic plate of cheese sticks
-Romantic plate of pizza" i looked at the item choice and gave it to Gray "since when is pizza romantic?"  he asked "i don't even want to know"  muttered already having an idea of what Mira would do to make it romantic "So want to take cheese sticks? I'm not that hungry and I really don't want the spaghetti" i said going red Gray blushed as well but nodded so after we decided Freed showed up in a waiter's uniform I couldn't contains my laughs Freed shot me a dark look I covered my laughing behind my hand "Mira sees all,Mira hears all" he said clearly having to practice that line he left again trough a door I looked at the plate of cheese sticks and sat down across from Gray as I took one and took a bite the molten cheese almost burned my mouth.

After the plate was finished there was this awkward silence when behind each of us trough the door a piece of paper was shoved and I looked shocked when I recognized it. It was my confession to Gray "but I left this at home" i thought and I was about to cry out of embarrassment I knew Mira's plan now she wants me to give it to Gray so I would confess to him I stood in front or Gray and looked down as I almost pushed the note in his arms I grabbed his out of his arm and rushed to the other side of the room my back facing him as I looked at the note he made for me.
"Leanne, I met you a long time ago as a girl who wouldn't talk to almost anyone but even though you wouldn't talk to the rest you first opened up to me throughout the years you helped me and opened up to the rest of the guild and I think that ever since I met you I fell in love with you
I just stared at his letter my cheeks burning in embarrassment "he actually feels the same" i thought to myself I was super happy now that I know Gray feels the same for me so I walked up to him "Hey Gray"  i said he looked at me "yea-" he started but before he could say anything else I planted my lips on his he was frozen(I need to stop with these puns) but slowly melted(I couldn't help this one) into the kiss I slowly pulled apart "i love you too" i said and kissed him again as I could hear Mira squealing from the otherside of the door when we pulled apart I smiled at him and put my forehead against his. I took his head and we walked out of the guild together.

Hi guys it's Cookie-Chan and this was the first out of the planned 5 OVA chapters I will be taking my time on these chapters since I also have to study for my final exam so I hope you enjoyed this ova I hope I can finish the second ova today but if not my deadline is tomorrow so for now Byebye

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