chapter 44: Training Arya

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Leanne's pov
"Big sis your here!" Arya called flying towards me as I entered the valley I smiled at her "yeah sorry I'm late there was something I had to take care of" i told her and she just smiled "Hey Arya you told me you wanted to learn magic right?"  i asked her recalling every time she would just keep asking me to learn her magic and me making her shut up by putting her in a sound proof star cage she grinned widely with excitement in her eyes "Please please please" she practically begged and I had to force down a laugh "alright so if I will train you you will listen to all my orders without question,understood?"  i asked and she saluted me "alright so first of before we can begin to learn you magic we need you to get a human form" i told her "but, before we even can think about that we need to raise your stamina" i grinned and she shuddered "So you know what that means, I want 3 laps NO flying" i told her she looked at me with disbelief and horror and tried to see if I was joking but the look I gave her was all she needed she groaned before she started running in the meantime I jumped on a rock to observe her.

After she was done with her laps she collapsed in front of me I smiled and handed her some water she happily took It and began to gulp it all down "now we will start every morning with the laps and every evening before dinner you will run a lap" i told her and she groaned while panting "now relax for today there won't be anymore running" i told her and she sighed in relief "but we will be meditating so come on"  i told her as we entered the cave where we slept I sat down and crossed my legs as Arya did the same on the opposite of me "alright steady your breathing and focus on the Magic energy in your body"  i told her as I closed my eyes and concentrated on Arya's energy to keep track on how she did I slowly felt the energy in her body getting bigger "Very good now I want you to concentrate and imagine your body changing shape" i told her as she focused on the energy it too 10 seconds but when I opened my eyes I couldn't help but feel pride within me

After she was done with her laps she collapsed in front of me I smiled and handed her some water she happily took It and began to gulp it all down "now we will start every morning with the laps and every evening before dinner you will run a lap" i...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Where once sat a cat was now a adorable girl with cat ears she looked at me confused "big sis did yo shrink?"  she asked and I smiled "No but you got your transformation right"  i told her and she looked down and smiled proudly of her achievement "that's enough for today don't yo think?"  i asked her and she nodded and transformed back into her exceed form "now while you were running I caught some fish, Are you hungry?"  i asked and she was practically drooling at the mention of fish I chuckled and gave her the fish "Thank you!"  she called before happily munching down on the fish while I started cooking some rabbit stew for myself and also preparing for tomorrow so I didn't have the most work.

2 months later
Leanne's pov
"Come on Arya is that all you got?"  i taunted her she gritted her teeth "take this Winter Frost!" she yelled throwing a ball of white/blue energy that got colder as it neared me I simply jumped out of the way "Star dragon's Nebula" i called using one of my old secret arts I dissappeard into the smoke "Oh no you don't!  winter Breeze" she called clearing the area of the Nebula she looked around when she saw I wasn't there I snickered and she looked up to see me flying I the air "good job on dissolving the Nebula" i complimented her "yeah but I didn't expect you to fly up using your wings"  she said with a smirk "alright that's enough for today"  i said as I landed on the ground Arya got back in her exceed form and panted "you did well"  i said as I scratched her behind the ears. As we were eating I heard footsteps entering the cave "i never expected to see you back here"  a voice said and I chuckled "why wouldn't I come here it's my birth place" the voice let out a chuckle as well "i need you to come with me"  The voice said "what do you need?"  i asked "i want you to come with me to Tartaros there is something there that is important to Zeref and I want to take it away from him"  the voice snarled at the mention of the black wizard I sighed "Where are they now?"  I asked curiously "Magnolia" the voice answered this got my attention "alright let's go"  i said as I stood up leaving the cave motioning for Arya to follow me
"Magnolia huh?.... This will most certainly be interesting"

Hey guys it's Cookie-Chan and I'm back with a new chapter so who do you think the mysterious voice was and what is he or she after well we'll find out next chapter as Leanne meets some old aquitences

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