chapter 13: Time to rela- nevermind

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Leanne's Pov
I strode into the restort following Erza Lucy was next to me petting Arya in her arms and the boys were behind us "wow this was really nice of Loke" Lucy said as she took in the beatiful resort we would be stay at since Loke got us all some tickets after we found out Loke was a celestial spirit who used to be Leo the Lion leader of the zodiacs
Lucy saved his life by asking audience infront of the celestial spirit king who let Loke go back after he was banned so therefore saving him so to thank her he got us all tickets to the resort "Hey Leanne do you want to hang out tonight?" Gray asked me making me blush "sure I would love to" i said with a soft smile but for some reason I got chillings trough my spine I didn't know why but I didn't like the feeling.

It was pretty early in the evening I was having a drink with Gray I saw Natsu at a slot-machine and Lucy and Erza were playing at the poker tables "Thanks for inviting me Gray" i said to the ice mage after I took a sip out of my cocktail "yeah sure no problem" he said "Hey listen I wanted to ask you something for a while i was wonderi-" but he was cut off by a voice behind us "Gray Fullbuster?" asked the voice so we turned around to see a man with a metal jaw standing behind us but before we could say anything the Light went out and we heard screaming the last thing i heard was a gunshot before everything went black.

When I woke up the casino was in ruins and empty "ugh what happened" i groaned "Leanne are you okay?" a concerned female voice asked that I recognized as Lucy "yeah I'm okay now what in the name of Mavis happend here" i said clutching my head "Well we were attacked by childhood friends of Erza and they took her" she explained "but what was that gunshot" i asked but then I noticed something Arya wasn't with her "Lucy.." i began my voice low and dangerous "y-yeah?" she asked stuttering "" i said in between breaths and she gulped "Well you see there was this crazy girl and well she was obsessed with cats and well she took Happy and Arya" she said whispering the last part but with my dragon hearing I heard her crystal clear and I could feel the Rage coming off me some one dared to take my little Arya "They will pay.." i growled making Lucy instinctively Take a step back. "so and Eeza is gone and they took our cats oh they are in so much trouble" i said with a dark look on my face. For now let's look for Natsu and Gray we came to a pool of water when Juvia of the element four arose with Gray hiding underneath her there was this feeling in my stomach I didn't like what I saw. "why are you here?" i asked the water mage she just looked at me like I did something wrong "Something the matter?" i asked raising my eyebrow at her. She shook her head "Juvia was just in the area" she said "OW!" we heard a voice yell as we looked to a pile of rubble Natsu came from underneath it with smoke coming out of his mouth "Who shoots someone in the mouth!" he complained and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his childishness

We were currently on a boat Heading towards what we learned what's the R-system Juvia was with us so when we neared the tower we needed a plan to get in "Juvia has found an underwater cave" Juvia said as she arose from the water "Well done but how are we going to get there I don't think we can hold our breaths for 10 minutes" Lucy said "oh Juvia can make a bubble of water where there's oxygen and u can breath underwater" she said as she handed each of us a bubble while I had to drag an half unconscious Natsu with me while swimming. "im coming Arya hang on please" i whispered to no one

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