Catching colds in a snap (Carmen & Sanjay)

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AN: Get it? Carmen was a news reporter and she holds a camera.
Carmen's POV
We've just landed in Argentina yesterday. Archer walks in the break room, grabs a coffee, and greets me. " Good morning Carmen and Sanjay! You guys ready for the Olympics? I totally am!" "Archer, you know we came here to look for SOMBRA, not party and watch sports." I reply. " Oh c'mon Carmen. Do you have to be so boring and bossy?" Archer says "Good morning everyone! " Grace says, as she grabs a coffee. " Where is everyone else?" She asks. " They'll come soon." I reply. Right after I said that, Dupont, Chief, Ingrid, Marina, Jonah, and Lars came in. "Looks like you were right Carmen. "Grace says, giggling. "Well she was right, but where are Madi and Mr I know everything? " Archer asks. "Elliot and your nicknames are very amusing. " Grace said. Grace saying that, made everyone laugh. " Oh I'd hate to interrupt a good laugh, but we're supposed to be fighting SOMBRA not chatting" Elliot says, appearing out of nowhere.  " Oh my gawd Elliot you scared me! Why do you do this all the time?!" Jack shouts. "Oh c'mon Pretty Boy you have to admit that your reactions are priceless. " Elliot replies.  "Elliot is right though Archer, for both things." Chief Ripley instructs. "Oooooohhhhhh" Lars screamed. "ROASTED!". Wow the team is quite immature and annoying ,but I love them. 

All of a sudden, Ingrid comes in. "Hey we have a problem." "A problem? What kind of problem,  Ingrid? " Madi asks. "A librarian called and said that there was a murder in the library. She mumbled something about an Ernesto Cárpena." Ingrid replied. "Mon Dieu! You can't mean that there was a murder at the Biblioteca Gran Adán library!!!" Dupont screamed. "So someone got murdered at a library? What is so important about a book writer? I've never heard of em, yet Dupont has? Booknerd." Elliot replies, smugly.  "ELLIOT! ERNESTO CÁRPENA HAS WROTE A BRILLIANT WRITTEN PIECE OF LITERATURE. RAYUELA DE FICCIÒN  WAS GREAT STORY." Dupont replied, screaming and angry. "Sheesh. Sorry, didn't mean to wind up your coco clock there." Elliot muttered.
"Well if we have a murder to solve lets get ready! Why don't we solve this one in record time, huh? We don't have time to waste." I say triumphantly. "Sanjay,  stay with Jack." I add.

We solved the murder in record time from Dupont and Elliot's search for the 'treasure'. I have to admit, those two make a good team. Elliot's probably going to kill me now. I hope Sanjay wasn't to bored. It's quite sad that he has to be cooped up inside all day. Also with that sickness going around, I really don't want to take my chances. It turns out that the librarian who called us was the actual murderer. I walk into the break room to find Jack and Sanjay talking about random stuff. "Hey guys why don't we go out my treat :)"  Grace says smiling.  "Sure " That was mostly everyone's reply. "Wait, where's Madi and Elliot?" Sanjay asks, very observant. " Oh. Probably in Elliot's lab." Jack replies,  rolling his eyes. "Alright, I'll go get them." Grace said.  Grace comes back about 10 minutes later, her whole face was flushed red. " Shessh Grace, you interrupted our fun, just to invite us to dinner?" Elliot asks.  "Um yea" Grace replied.  "Sure we'll come!"Madi says, nudging Elliot's arm. At the mention of 'fun' I have an idea of what they where doing.

Grace chose this Argentine restaurant. As we walk in, a man comes up and tries to seat us. " Oh aren't you two the ladies from earlier?" He asks. "Oh uh yes, yes we are." Madi managed to say. " There is no reason to be nervous, my lady. Come,  dance." He replied. "Oh i'm terribly sorry, but I can't dance." Madi says, her face reddening. "Alright then, I shall seat you all and be at your service. " He says, leading us to a booth. "Well that was embarrassing. " Madi says, sinking down in the booth as if hiding from the man. " Oh c'mon, I've been in worse situations luv." Elliot said.  " Elliot, I think he's trying to get your girl." Archer says blankly. "What?! Oh bloody hell Archer. When will you get yourself a brain?! You never think about what you say!" Elliot replies, sharply. "Yeah well, you need to learn how to take a joke dude." Lars answered. "Oooooohhhhhh. Do you need an ice pack for that burn? You got roasted. " Lars adds, and he earned 2 very scary death glares from Madi and Elliot. " Alright alright,  I get the memo." Lars mumbled after 5 minutes of intense staring. Saying that earned a laugh from Madi. Then the waiter comes and she stops." I brought you all our finest wine.-" This got Elliot's attention and made him and Madi perk up. "And three glasses of water" the waiter finished his sentence.  Then after he said that Elliot and Madi sighed and slumped back in the booth. Archer then proceeded to burst out laughing. " You thought you were going to get wine?!" Jack managed to say. "Also one of our dancers got fired. She left her beautiful dress here, so I would like to give it to you, Inspector Madi." The waiter says. " Oh, why thank you. " Madi replies.  "You can put it on now if you like." The waiter says.  " Sure " Madi said. She then proceeded to get out of the booth and walk in a back room. She came out in the prettiest black dress I've ever seen.  It had black lace in the front and it opened in the front like something out of a Disney movie. She looked like a Princess. Of course, Elliot's jaws on the floor. I put it back in its place though.

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