Don't Worry, I'm Here

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A oneshot for Tennis_is_life

Tess' POV

I'm worried. I'm not sure that my friend is okay. My classmate and student in the same year, Misha Goshwalla, isn't her normal self. She's been my friend ever since I met her in freshman year. I can sense that something is wrong though. I'm a psychology student so I study how people act and think. While I can't read her mind, I think something is wrong with her. She just seems stressed and overwhelmed. I want to talk to her to make sure that she's okay. I really care about her. You see, I like Misha. I like her more than any normal friend. I might be in love with her but I am not entirely sure. I get up, done pondering the situation. I leave my dorm room and then head to Misha's dorm. I knock and wait until she answers. The door opens and Misha stands there, looking tired.

"Hi, Misha!" I greet.

"Hey, Tess." She replies, yawning.

"You look and sound tired," I remark.

"I am tired, I've been up all night writing an essay for my English class," Misha says.

"Did you procrastinate??" I wonder.

That's unlike her.

"I tried not to, but I got overwhelmed with a lot of personal stuff." She mutters.

"Personal stuff? Are you feeling okay?" I query.

"Just feeling overwhelmed, I've got a lot on my plate with school and my sister," Misha admits.

"Rani's here?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's just started here in the fall." She hums.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" I question.

"I've been meaning to, but I've forgotten to. I've just been so busy..." Misha murmurs.

"I can see that," I reply, noticing how messy her room is.

"Ever since Rani showed up, she's stolen my thunder, she's more popular than I ever dreamed of being." She says.

"So you feel stuck in her shadow?" I guess.

"Yes, exactly. You always have the perfect words to describe anything." Misha responds.

"I do study the mind, it's predictable when people get in these states," I reply.

Misha laughs. "No need to brag about how much of a smarty-pants you are, Tess."

"You know I'd do anything to cheer you up. You're a great friend of mine." I promise.

"Aww. Aren't you sweet!" She returns.

I feel my cheeks redden. "Why don't I take you out somewhere? To get your mind off of your sister and college?"

"Actually, Tess, that sounds great, I... I really could use a break." Misha replies.

"How long have you been up?" I wonder.

Misha pauses to think, rubbing her temples to help her think. I wait, humming under my breath. She pauses, stops, and then shrugs.

"I don't know."

"Have you eaten recently?" I inquire.

"Not that I can remember, but I ate an apple yesterday morning." Misha answers.

"Misha! You must be starving. Let's grab something to eat, get some coffee, and then you should come back to the dorm and rest." I suggest.

"Well... I guess I could take a break." She mumbles.

"You should." I retort.

"Okay, let me get ready," Misha said.

"You don't have to be all dolled up to go out with me." I joke, but try to hide my blush.

"I look like a mess right now! I simply can't go out looking like this, give me a second to get back to my beautiful self." She replies.

"Well, I appreciate it," I whisper under my breath.

"What was that, Tess?" Misha wonders.

"Oh, uh, nothing." I stammer.

"Okay, give me a second to change." She halfheartedly replied.

I take a deep breath to recover from the near plunder and back up. Misha shuts the door and I hear her walk away from the door. I wait for a few minutes and then she opens the door again. Misha has done her makeup and changed into a beautiful outfit. Straying from her traditional Indian style, she was wearing a pink t-shirt and black leggings. I take her hand and then bring her with me out of the dorm building.

I decided to bring her to an Italian restaurant. Some comfort food with lots of cheese is great to get your head out of the clouds. I bring her to the best Italian place in all of Grimsborough. Misha looks excited as we sit down. The waiter drops off a menu and Misha begins to look through the options.

"Don't worry about paying, this is my treat," I say.

"Really? Tess, a lot of the stuff here is kinda expensive. Are you sure? I don't want to be an extra expense for you." Misha replies.

"Get whatever you want. As I said, I'm paying. I meant it when I said that I was going to give you a break." I reply.

"So I can get whatever I want??" She whispers.

"Yes!" I whisper back.

"So if I wanted to get a cappuccino, spaghetti, and tiramisu... I could?" Misha states.

I nod. "If you want to get that, go ahead."

"Since you insist Tess, that's what I'll do." She replies.

"Good. I'm sure that you'll enjoy it." I reply.

"I bet I will!" Misha mumbles.

The waiter comes over to get our drink orders. He smiles and we order. Misha gets the cappuccino she wanted and I just order water. The waiter was quick to return from the back with our drinks. Then he takes our food orders. Misha gets spaghetti and I get lasagna. With a smile, the waiter retreats back into the kitchen. Misha quiets and I fall silent, not knowing what to say. An awkward silence falls over us until the food arrives. Steaming hot food is placed in front of me and Misha. Misha's eyes get big at the bowl of spaghetti and she looks excited. I smile at the lasagna. Misha raises her fork and I clink the fork with mine. She giggles and then begins to eat. I watch her for a few moments, seeing her beginning to eat and having her excited. She must've loved it. Misha seems happy for the first time in a few weeks. It's nice to see her happy! I begin to eat. Oh my goodness, that's great. The marinara is to die for and the pasta is amazing. I could eat this all day, every day!

"So... how are you feeling?" I wonder.

"I'm feeling fine, why?" Misha returns.

"You are feeling better I see. You aren't overwhelmed or stressed?" I respond.

"Oh, no, I'm not." She says, beaming.

"That's great!" I reply, returning her smile.

"I really appreciate this." Misha hums. "I feel so much better."

"Now, why don't we make today even better and get some tiramisu to share?" I question.

"Yes!" She says with a laugh, and I wave the waiter over to get dessert on the way.

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